A/N- Important Announcement

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Author's Note <3

Hellooooooo People!!!!

Now, I'm not gonna make this author's note long cause I don't like long author notes myself cause let's be honest, they're boring. BUT, this is an important announcement so please don't skip. 

In about 2-4 more chapters, Want You Back, will be finished!!!!!

Done-zo, Finitto. 

There won't be a sequel if anyone's even really reading and keeping up-to-date but there will be more books because I love writing and I don't really care about how many reads I get or anything like that since I write cause I want to. 

Also, if you really are reading, please tell other people who read romance to read my book but if you're someone I know, don't tell other people I know. Please, it's a rEqUEsT. I'm being PoLiTE.

If you like the way I write, once I'm done with this book, like I said, there will be more so hold on for those but can I just say? This book will always be my bAbY. I've written books before but this is the one that I've always gone back to even when I've gotten other ideas mid-way and this is the one that I really put out and enjoyed writing a lot but of course, there's always possibilities of more books and more ideas and characters. 

I'll shut up now. BYEEeeeeeeee. 

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