Chapter 54

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Chapter 54: (Ryder's POV)

"I just came to say bye." I mocked, while Mia playfully shoved me. I really fucking hate that guy. What person comes to say bye to you twice? Bye means bye, fucker. It means you're gone. "That was awfully close. Thank you for not moving a muscle." she said as she plopped back down on the couch. "Well, you're welcome. What's my reward?" I smirked while I lied down with my head in her lap. "Hmm, nothing." she shrugged while pushing me off and heading up to her room. "What do you mean nothing? I don't even get a kiss?" I pouted childishly while I followed her into her room. "Why would you get a kiss? You're not my boyfriend." she raised her eyebrows at me. "Well I-" I cut myself off when I realized she was right, I wasn't her boyfriend and it wasn't ok for me to be asking all this from her when she wasn't my girlfriend.

"Don't over think. We'll be fine." she walked over to me, where I was standing at her door. "Don't over think, ok? Whatever happens. Just don't think about it too much." she sighed as she wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed my hair out of my face and to the side. How the hell can I not over think about something like this? I can't even ask her to be my girlfriend right now because of the whole Jeremy and Shane thing. "Stop over thinking! I can see the wheels turning in your head!" she shook me a little before she hugged me. I took a minute to hug her back and when I did, we just stood there for a minute.

"We're ok, right?" she asked as she pulled away and looked up at me. I brushed the loose strand of hair out of her face before saying, "Yeah. A-okay." I smiled down at her, making her smile too. She says I have a baby smile. Whatever that means. "You should smile more, it makes me smile too." she huffed before she pulled out of my grasp and lied down on her bed, looking up at the ceiling. "I'm getting kind of hungry." she groaned before reaching out to her phone and reading a text. "My mom told me they're gonna drop the food by in a minute." she sighed before skipping downstairs as the doorbell rang.

 "Have fun!" I heard her shout before yelling my name. "Ryder! Come here!" she called me downstairs and I listened. She was in the kitchen, pulling out our food and grabbing two glasses to fill up with water. "Yes my lady?" I asked as I sat down on the barstool. "Here's your burrito." she threw it at me but I caught it in time. I opened it before tossing it back to her. "This is yours. Pickles." I pointed out. She likes pickles and I do too but not in my burritos. 

"Oh oops. This one's yours then." she threw me the other one which I once again caught. "Wanna watch a movie?" I asked while I opened the burrito and took a bite out of it. 

"We just watched two. Let's do something else." she suggested. 

"Ok, what do you wanna do?" I shrugged while I waited for her to give a suggestion as of what we could do.

"Let's play UNO." she shrugged before running to her room and coming back down with the cards. "You in?" she asked while she took a bite before shuffling the deck of cards.

"I'm in." I took a bite before she started distributing the cards. She gave me seven and then herself seven. I started and ended up with a red card with the number one. "What does the winner get?" I cocked an eyebrow as she put down a red skip followed by a red two.

"What do you think the winner should get?" she questioned while I put down a blue two.

"I think you know what I'm gonna say." I huffed with a smirk, making her shake her head.

"We'll just let the winner decide when they win. Now, draw four." she smirked, putting down the +4 card, making me draw four extra cards. "It doesn't look too good for you, Parker." she smirked. I put down the red card that I was supposed to and just my luck, it happened to be a +2. "Well, I'd say it's getting better." I smirked while she picked up two. Since her turn was on hold, I put down a +4. "And better." I smirked and winked, making her glare at me and narrow her eyes at me. It was her turn and she put down two +4 cards. "Or is it?" she smirked before taking a bite out of her burrito. We played for roughly two minutes before she said "UNO!" with the one card remaining in her hands. I put down my red four over her red three. She instantly got a grin over her face before she threw down her green four. "I win! I win! I win!" she sang teasingly.

"And what would you like?" I sighed in defeat as I put the second half of my burrito away since I couldn't finish it. "I honestly have no idea. Do you want the rest?" she pointed to the halfway eaten half of a burrito. She couldn't even eat half of it. "No, I'm good." I chuckled. She was a tiny person with a tiny stomach. She always thinks she can eat so much but she never can. This girl needs to learn not to order too much. "I know what you're thinking. I need to learn to not order so much but I don't think they serve half burritos. Help me decide a reward for myself." she pouted as she put her leftovers in the fridge. "Think of something you've wanted for a while. Something that I can help you get or get for you, and tada! You'll have your reward." I put my leftovers in the takeout bag to take home whenever I leave. 

"Oh by the way, I forgot to tell you, your mom messaged me. We have our fittings scheduled for next week. For my dress and your tux." she informed me.

"I have to wear a tux?!" I whined as I made my way over to her side of the kitchen counter where she washed her hands before me. I was washing my hands when she said, "Why are you complaining about having to wear a tux? You look hot in a tux!" she pointed out. When has she seen me in a tux? "At my cousin's wedding." she said, making me realize I had spoken my thoughts and questions out loud. "I was 14 back then, Mia." I complained.

"So? I found you hot in a tux then, I'll find you hot in a tux now. It's simple math." she shrugged.

"It is not math." I shook my head while laughing.

"Well then it's science. You were hot then, you've only gotten hotter now. Puberty." she shrugged, making me laugh harder while she smiled to herself. "I have a question for you." she hopped on the counter top. "Shoot." I said as I placed my hands on either side of her on the counter top. "We're not currently girlfriend and boyfriend. But we're certainly not just friends. Does that mean we're best friends?" she asked, looking a little confused.

"No. Absolutely not. I was in the friendzone for a good year, I'm not trying to get stuck in the best friendzone. Plus, I'm trying to be more. I'm trying to be your boyfriend again." I informed her. "I'm just waiting for all this to blow over so your safety is assured. And I know you know that I love you still. And I know you love me still. You do, right?" I asked a little scared, making her stifle a laugh. "Of course I do. You're my little idiot." she rested her arms around my neck.

"Little?" I asked in disbelief.

"So you confirm that you are an idiot?"






I'm just re-reading this before I publish it and I just got really sad thinking about this book coming to an end. I still have a bit left but it's still gonna end. 

Who knew you could get so attached to characters and a book, huh? That too of your own. 




xoxo, NightTime_Storiexs.

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