Chapter Eighteen

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Everyone was silent as the door slammed and echoed through the room. The silence was full of tension, each of our vocal chords drawn tight and ready to snap while we tried to process what just happened. Gabriel must have processed things faster than the rest because it took only a split second before he was launching himself in North's direction. I flinched at the sound of his fist connecting with our brother's face.

I quickly lunged from my spot on the other side of the room to separate the two, but Silas and Luke had already wedged themselves between them and blocked any stray fists from landing on their intended targets. "What the hell, North?" Gabriel yelled as another one of his curled fists went flying. "This was our one chance and you fucking blew it!"  

North didn't respond, he continued fuming from his spot on the couch while carefully prodding at his split lip. I didn't feel any sympathy for him because Gabe was right. He did blow it. 

"The two of you, calm down!" Owen shouted, which had everyone snapping their mouths shut. Owen hardly ever yelled because even his softest whisper was enough to command an entire army, so when anything other than a controlled tone slipped from his lips, we knew it was consequential. 

After a long second of heavy breathing and baffled eye contact, our leader continued, "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Gabe stood with his arms locked behind him, Luke being the one keeping a good hold on his wrists. He angrily spat, "Nothing's wrong with me. I'm tired of this dumb fuck constantly letting his mouth get away from him. Did you not hear what he just said to her?" 

Owen's mouth pressed into a thin line. "I heard him just fine. What I want to know is why you thought it would ever be okay laying your hands on a brother like that." I gawked at his words. North surely deserved it. He had no right saying those things to Sang, especially after the way she grew up having to hear them everyday by her stepmother. The asshole had to of known that those words would cut deep and ruin any chances they had with her. 

I glared into empty space. 

"Fuck you. You're seriously worried about him?" Gabe spat, his face still red. Owen, based off of the ice-cold stare he sent his way, did not like the tone Gabe had, but that didn't matter to the fuming man. He was pissed—rightfully so. "I'm damn tired of you making excuses for him. North has a short temper? Let's all walk on tippy toes around him. North's not happy? Let's just allow him to treat everyone like shit." He shook his head. "Fuck that, and fuck you if you think that's okay." Finally, someone said it. I love North as if he were blood, but when would it end? He had a lot of issues he needed to work on, for all of our sakes.

Sang obviously wasn't willing to let him say those things to her anymore. She was strong and had a sense of self preservation she didn't have before, so if he wanted her in his life, things needed to change. North brough his head down to hang between his knees while he gripped at his hair. He whispered hoarsely, "I'm sorry."

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