i've gone bonkers, according to george

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i stood there dumbfounded, ringo and george were embracing each other fondly. much like how he embraced me earlier that day. why was george here? and how did he get here? at that moment i didn't care, he and i had been friends for a while and i was just happy he was alive. i walked towards them and yelled,

the younger boy turned towards me and immediately started running in my direction, yelling my name back.
we were about to embrace just like he and ringo did, but i decided to block it and shake his hand instead.
"how did you get here?" i asked.
"i don't know! i had been floating in my raft for so many days i had lost count! but i spotted this island and started rowing towards it and i guess it was god's way of reuniting us, huh?" he explained.

we started to walk back to camp and i continued questioning him.
"where's john?" i asked him. he shook his head and ran his hand through his greasy moptop.
"he didn't make it, we passed some sharks and he yelled the n word at them so i threw him over." he said "yeah, it probably wasn't the right thing but god paul, being stuck with him on a raft for a week? it was too much for me to handle."
hm. understandable

talking to george i had totally forgotten about what happened to me and ringo earlier that day. but when i looked up and saw him, i remembered everything. god what was i going to tell george? would he realize the sexual tension between me and ringo?

"paul! i wondered when you'd come back. i was just about to go after you but then george here showed up." ringo said with that cheery smile of his.
"yeah, im glad i found my way back. i was seriously lost." i said. but he didn't care, he had started to chat with george. i felt a burning feeling in the pit of my stomach. god! he doesn't even pay attention to me, now i remembered why i disliked him in the first place. but wait this wasn't disdain like i usually felt it. was this jealousy?

it had only been a few hours, but i was starting to loathe the attractive dark haired boy whom i used to be friends with. he was so happy with ringo. they were so happy together. they reminded me so much of how i used to be with john before we were famous. back when we were just two liverpudlian boys doing what we did best, play music. but y'know, things don't last forever.

he and ringo were just sitting side by side talking about how they missed england, and ringo was lamenting the food we've been forced to eat here.  i was sitting opposite of them, pretending to be daydreaming. when in reality, all i could think about was them.

"hey paul" i heard a voice say.
i snapped out of my spell and answered
"do ye miss how everything used to be?" george asked. 
i thought it over for a minute and answered back, "yeah i do, but i need to do something first before we get back."
george's interest was clearly piqued. "oh?" he questioned.
"yeah, y'see, i got a vision, a vision from god himself. he told me i've got to kill john f. kennedy."
george laughed at me,
"you've gone bonkers paul, bloody hell!" he said through his laughing fit.
"i'm serious!" i said with earnest. "i'm positive this is my task given to me by god!"
"fuck dude, you sound like a missionary." george said, with a hint of concern in his tone.
i sighed and shook my head.

"mate i know, but you've got to trust me! ringo does!" we both turned to look at ringo but he stayed indifferent at the comment.
"leave me out of this, i just want to get home." he stated. i pouted at him and he mouthed the words 'im sorry'.
george turned back to look at me and after a pause he said,
"look paul, i think you're completely mad but you know i've known you a long time so i'll go through with it. what's your plan?"
"i don't have one." i said in response.

stuck in an island with ringo starrWhere stories live. Discover now