paul goes to peepee town

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i quickly turned my head to face ringo. i was extremely embarrassed about the bulge from underneath my blanket. oh god danny devito why are you testing me like this? i thought.

meanwhile all of this was going down, danny devito was fighting a whale in the depths of the ocean. but i didn't know this at the time. all i knew, was ringo and i were about to FUCK.

y'know how late at night you sort become a new person? well that was happening to me. this paul didn't care if george woke up and saw us, this paul just wanted to taste the flavor of ringo's nasty british teeth.
"ringo..." i said but then i soon closed the distance between us and kissed him. and let me just say, ringo sure was a great kisser. better than any bird that i've ever kissed. even better than john in most ways.

"paul i'm- i'm half a sleep and i did not consent!" he blurted out.
i shook my head, gee, what was i doing!
"i'm sorry bingo. i- i didn't mean-"  i started to say. he cut me off by saying.
"it's okay though, 'cause i consent now."
haha nice.

so we got on with kissing and stuff and it was hell of a good time. we just rolled around in the sand, kissing and everything. at that point i didn't really care about my psyche telling me i'm a poofter, i just kind of let one thing lead on to the next. but then-
"paul, let's do it." i hear the boy on top of me say.
"do what?" i replied but then it dawned on me. im going to shove my peepee in his bumhole. so i relocated myself so i was on top of him. he and i both started to unzip our pants at the same time when he said
a'ight mccartney, i'm topping."
no way! i'm not letting a man put his dong in my arse!
i started to protest but then he cut me off, only saying,
i didn't know what he said or how he said it, it being 1963 and all but nevertheless, i felt powerless against those words. so i got on bottom again.

the next couple of minutes were crazy. he put it in dry and was absolutely MASSIVE. i've only ever seen john's prick and mine so i had no idea what lengths they could get to. it hurt at first but then it started to feel good. i'm not gay though, lmao.

suddenly, mid fuck, i saw something out of the corner of my eye. a man short in stature emerging from the ocean. he walked up to the camp and was about to greet me when he looked down and said,
"holy guacamole! paul and ringo are fuckin', on a beach!"
i knew that face. danny devito.
my mouth was full of sand and my eyes were full of tears. how could i let our savior see me in such a humiliating situation. ringo didn't even look up or react for that matter. he just kept going. but still danny watched.

after a minute or so just standing there confused but intrigued, he started talking to me.
"you know paul, i just fought a whale! those dumb fucks from the future really think i couldn't take on a whale. i really showed them wrong."
he waited for my response but then remembered i was in the middle of being fucked and continued.
"i wanted to drop by to see how the plans are going but i, uh, see you have your hands full, and your mouth full apparently."
he sighed and kept going.
"i think i'll get going, i'll check back up with you in the morning how about that pal?"
he paused and chuckled.
"alright see you on the flip side amigo." he said leaving almost as fast as he came.

by the time he fully disappeared ringo had finished.  and fell asleep on top of me. god this was a weird moment for me. but nevertheless it was almost fun.
i rolled him over and fell asleep myself. what a weird night.

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