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We finally get back to Kings Landing after what feels like forever.

I'm laying in bed reading a book when someone knocks on my door.

"Come in."

Jaime enters my room. I see he's holding something behind his back.

"Hello Jaime."

"I have something for you."

I stand up getting a little excited.

"What is it?"

He shows me a sword with a stag on the handle.

"A sword? For me? My own fucken sword?"

"Yes your own fucken sword."

He hands me the sword and I take it out of its gold scabbard. I touch the cold steel.

"This is Valyrian steel."

"Yes it is."

I put the sword back in the scabbard and I give Jaime a hug.

"Thank you so much."

Before Jaime walks out he's says, "Your father did approve of the sword but your mother did not, just a little heads up."

I enter Neds office.

"Princess Scarlett," he greets me.

"Lord Stark," I say, I close the door behind me, "Your new here in Kings Landing, I've lived here all my life I know how this place works more then anybody. I like you Ned you seem like a good guy so I'm going to give you some advice. Don't trust anybody."

"Not even you?"

"Eh, it depends. Just be careful with what you say and do, the walls ears Lord Stark so don't piss of the wrong people."

"And who would the wrong people be?"



It's later in the day and I'm training with Jaime using my new sword.

"You need to plant you're feet more," he tells me.

I strike but he blocks.

"So any idea what happened to the Stark boy?" I ask.

He tenses up a little.

"I thought he fell out of the tower, why do you ask?"

He strikes but I block.

"I saw the look on yours and my mother's face when Tryion said he was going to live."

His eyes go wide.

"Don't act like I don't know about you two."

We keep going back and forth striking and blocking.

"He... he caught your mother and I...So I-I um pushed him out of the tower."

"You pushed a child out a tower!?"

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