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Tyrion and I walk up to the front of the boat next to Jon and Ser Davos.

"How many people live here?" Jon asks.

"About a million," I answer.

"That's more people than the entire North crammed into that. Why would anyone want to live that way?"

"There's more work in the city," Tyrion says, "And the brothels are far superior." 


We walk down the dirt path.

"Why did they build it?" Missandei asks.

"Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't," Jorah says, "Land livestock, children...Letting them roam free around a city was a problem."

"I imagine it was a sad joke at the end," Tyrion says, "An entire arena for a few sickly creatures smaller than dogs. But in the beginning, when it was home to Balerion the Dread, it must have been the most dangerous place in the world."

We run into Bronn. Behind him is some of the Lannister army. 

"Welcome, my lords," Bronn says.

I look behind Bronn and I feel my eyes flood with tears when I see him. 

"Pod?" I say barely a whisper with my voice cracking a little. Still, he somehow hears me.


Bronn stops talking. 

We run to each other meeting for a big hug in the middle. He holds me tight around my waist and my arms go around his neck. 

"I thought I'd never see you again," I whisper. I move to hold his face in my hands. 

"I always had hope," he says. I kiss him. We pull away after a few moments. Bronn is smiling and I could have sworn I saw Brienne smile. 

Everyone starts to walk to the meeting. 

"A pleasant surprise in an unpleasant situation," Tyrion says to Pod. 

"I'm glad you're alive, my lord."

"Come on!" Bronn says, "You can suck his magic cock later."

Pod looks so different. He got muscles. 

"I like your hair," Pod says as we walk to the meeting.

"Yea, I had to change it to people wouldn't recognize me. I have had an interesting past few years."

"Oh, really?"

"Yep. You see that box the donkey is carrying. The one the Hound in leading," he nods, "I helped capture that thing. I went beyond the wall and everything. I even rode a dragon"

"You rode a dragon?" he says surprised. 

"Yeah, we got into some trouble and Queen Daenerys came to rescue us."

"Here we are," Tyrion says, "The heroes of Blackwater Bay. Strange place for a reunion."

"It is, my lord," Pod says.

"I don't think I'm anyone's lord anymore, Podrick. Save the title for Ser Bronn of the Blackwater."

"I'm sure your new queen will be happy to restore yours," Bronn says, "If she ends up on the throne."

"You've been thinking about ore new queen?" I say.

"Perhaps you've been reconsidering your allegiances," Tyrion says, "Remember my offer...whatever they're paying you, I'll pay double."

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