Chapter 11- The kiss

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"Will you be my yeojachingu?" Jungkook asks Eunha

Eunha didn't hesitate answer as she was expecting the question since yesterday. "Yes!" And she went to hug Jungkook and everyone fangirls and fanboys about the couple.

"Yes! Kook! I'm so proud of you son!" Jin says almost crying.

"You're abandoning me, Jungkook?" Taehyung asks

"Uhh..." Jungkook doesn't know what to answer.

"Aish, move on oppa." Chloe says beside him.

"My Bunny has a boyfriend again!" Mingyu said hugging Eunha.

"Ehem?" Jungkook fake coughs at them.

"It's just a hug, Jungkook, get used to it." Wonwoo said

"You finally got your girl, Kookie." I said "Who's next?" I ask the girls and they all stay silent.

"Let's continue the game, guys!" Jin said

"Who's next?" Sowon asks

"I am. Chloe, question or request?" Eunha asks

"Question." Chloe says

"Do you like anyone?" She asks

"Uhmm... I can't tell you it's private." She says cheekily.

"Come on, please." Taehyung said looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Fine... I do, but I can't tell you who." Chloe says

"Aww, we'd all love to know who it is." I said wiggling my brows.

"Don't push it, Y/n." She said

"Aish... arasseo." I pouted.

"Umm Sowon unnie, question or request?" Chloe asks

"Uhh question." Sowon says

"What's your ideal type?" She asks

"Someone who can cook, mom like so he could help me, doesn't have to be muscular, looks don't really matter for me." Sowon said

"I see." Chloe said taking a glance at Jin who was looking somewhere else.

"Jin oppa! Question or request?" Sowon asks

"Question." Jin said

"Geez, no one is doing request. Can I cook the meals with you?" Sowon asks

"Hmm... sure, why not." Jin says

"Yes! Thanks!" Sowon exclaims

"Yoongi-ah! Question or request?" Jin asks

"Question." He says

"Why haven't we gone out in a while?" Jin asks

"Nothing has happened yet, and we're planning something big. Plus, we have to take care of the girls in this house." Yoongi says

"We have the maids." Jin says

"I killed them." Yoongi says bluntly

"What? Why?" Namjoon asks as the girls got a little uncomfortable.

"They were spies of our rival." Yoongi said

"Right then." Jin says

"Y/n? Question or request?" Yoongi said staring at me.

"Uhh... request?" I answered

"Call me Yoongi oppa. You don't use honorifics with me, I'm sad." Yoongi pouts cutely.

The Mafia Boss (BTS Yoongi x reader) [Complete] Where stories live. Discover now