Chapter 19- Awake

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Yoongi paces around the waiting area for 20 minutes straight. Y/n's been in the operating room for an hour, and no doctor when in or out since.

"How long has it been?" Yoongi asks worriedly.

"An hour." Jimin replies worriedly.

Just when Jimin said that, the doctor came out of the operating room.

"Ailee noona?" Jungkook asked.

"Yes, hello guys." Ailee said

"You're a doctor?" Chloe asked

"Yes." She replied

"How's Y/n?" Yoongi asked

"Finally a relevant question." She mumbled. "She's alright, she might have to stay here for a few days." She says

"Can we see her?" Jimin asks standing up.

"Sure, follow me." Ailee says and they follow her into a recovery room.

They went in and saw Y/n lying on the bed, pale. Everyone sprinted to the bed and went by her side.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry!" Jimin said "I wasn't a good brother, I couldn't protect you." Jimin sobbed.

"No, it's my fault." Chloe said. "I shouldn't have brought her with me to the cemetery."

"Let's just conclude that it's no one's fault, and we leave it there." Jin said.

"Wait, where's Namjoon?" Yoongi asks

"I made him stay and dispose the bodies." Taehyung said

"That's really the job you gave him." Hoseok said
"Crap!" Namjoon said

He accidentally tripped on a dead body and fell flat on the floor with the man he was carrying on him.

"Not really the way to go Namjoon." Hyuna tied to a chair said.

"Shut up Mrs. Min." Namjoon said dusting himself and carried the body to the pile that he made 30 minutes ago.

"Are you also gonna burn Jungsoo?" Hyuna asks.

"Yes. You better be happy that you're still alive." Namjoon said

"I am. But don't worry, once my husband comes he'll kill you for tying me up." She struggles.

"He won't, he's cheating on you." Namjoon said going to the basement to get the last body, Jungsoo's.

"How do you know that?!" Hyuna shouted.

"You're desperate for getting Chloe back but you know that you don't have a purpose for her. Her grades are good for a girl like her, and your husband is not here to at least back you up." Namjoon said throwing the dead body on the pile of dead bodies.

"Smart." Hyuna said. "Why don't you try figuring out why?" She smirked.

Namjoon thought for a moment, then took a match and ignited it.

"Your husband wants Chloe to be the person who'll be taking his place in the Mafia world, and he wants Chloe to study so she can take the first place one day. You being so blind by him, followed him and it led to abuse for her. Your husband cheated on you with another woman maybe because he wants to make a new heir. And I think he told you that he won't come back until you get Chloe to come home." Namjoon said staring at the ignited match.

"You're really like the Sherlock Holmes here. How'd you know what he told me?" Hyuna asks.

Namjoon throws the match to the pile and it bursted into flames.

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