02 | S I N G U L A R I T Y

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"One of the pitfalls of childhood is that one doesn't have to understand something to feel it

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"One of the pitfalls of childhood is that one doesn't have to understand something to feel it. By the time the mind is able to comprehend what has happened, the wounds of the heart are already too deep."
Carlos Ruiz Zafón, The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books,#1)


"Kyla! Hurry up, I need to drop you off before I get to work!"

Kyla grunted, looking at herself in the mirror, trying to finish off her makeup look with a brush of mascara on her eyelashes. More annoyed that she couldn't carefully place her makeup in peace rather than being forced to ride with her mother to uni like she was a child.

Leaving her car behind, while fleeing from the only home she had ever known, had been more painful than failing her midterm physics exam that had earned her a scolding prior to recent events.

She grabbed her lipgloss, remembering to put it into her bag to use throughout the day.

Nobody likes lips that don't look moist and soft — and shiny.

Once upon a time, the world of makeup was a foreign concept to her, but towards the end of middle school, kids started becoming meaner, and pointed out that her freckles made her seem ugly and accused her of having a deformity. She often remembered sneaking into her parents room, and stealing her mother's foundation to cover them up, wanting smooth and clear skin like the other kids in her grade. But now in her 20s, makeup meant more to her than hiding her true self, it had become a sort of artistic outlet and she was spectacular at it, more so like a professional. And never to cover up her spots, but to enhance them with complementary looks.

It was often funny how looking back at the things that scared us in our adolescence. It could not compare to what scares us currently in our adulthood.


"Gosh, I'm coming ma!"

As if I'm not nervous enough as it is. Being hurried makes it worse.

Grabbing her black Supreme shoulder bag filled with absolutely nothing but a notebook, two of her hard cover books that were already halfway filled, stationary, and her Fenty makeup bag- she bolted for the door, ready to face the harshness of her ever changing reality.

When she got into the car, Kyla felt a buzz coming in from her iPhone. It was a text from Tamika: 'Good luck on your first day. I love and miss you.'

Blinking back the tears forming in her eyes, she tried to assure herself that everything would be okay, and that moving wasn't that big of a deal. That the people she had grown up with wouldn't forget her, that they would still be as close as they were as if nothing really happened.


Kyla had previously budgeted for time knowing she would certainly get lost and have to ask around for directions before locating the whereabouts of her Physics lecture.

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