03 | F O R T U I T Y

31 1 0

• a chance occurrence.
• the state of being controlled by chance.


"—your makeup."

"What?" Kyla blurted, noticing how his lips trembled lightly as he took in her reaction.

"I think your makeup is gorgeous," he stated, carefully holding her eyes in his.

Dumbfounded, Kyla stood there for a moment longer staring at him. Had he only been complimenting her makeup this entire time and not so much her as a whole? And what guy notices makeup?

A slow smile spread on his lips, a glint in his eyes conveying his amusement, and Kyla was sure that he could read her mind.

Soon enough, Kyla noticed he was teasing her and she broke out in laugher, Kaden joining in too.

"So our statistics class is this way," he said, gesturing to the nearby exit. "And lucky for you, we're covering the joy that is complex variances."

"The only thing complex I should be studying is my life right now," Kyla said out loud, completely shocking herself as she made a move to cover her big 'ol mouth up.

"Oh that sounds like a fun topic," Kaden grinned at her as he lead her to the next lecture room. "I think we can make a move on it during our lunch break yeah?"

A rush of people bustled their way in and plopped themselves onto their seats, Kaden and Kyla in tow taking a seat in the third row. "I usually sit here. My best friend is also in this class, but he slept in this morning. A software engineering student, I guess you'll meet him at lunch."

Kyla made note of Kaden's focus and quiet confidence he had in the classes they had so far. From taking notes, to answering questions nobody knew the answers to but it was never too showy as he could balance it with throwing in a few fun phrases to awaken Kyla from her world of utter confusion and mixed with a few chats from folks that he knew, throwing in a quick introduction to her too. But just as quick, he would switch it off, and devote his attention to the speaker, it was a talent she wished she possessed.

After the stats lecture was over, they had a free period of which Kaden joyously volunteered to show Kyla around campus. She had to admit that the university was bigger and better than her last one, or maybe the familiarity had worn her memories out about the place. Isn't it funny how something new and shiny always seems to outweigh the beauty the older item held? Life.

Kyla was both grateful and guilt ridden that she was taking up Kaden's time, sticking to him like a leech because she obviously didn't know anyone or anything about the university. He was awfully kind, and displayed his wittiness every chance he could get as a way to disarm her and make her feel comfortable with him.

"Oh, are you staying on campus? Or do you have an apartment you're staying in close to here?" His brown eyes searched hers, curiosity lacing from the shape his eyebrows formed.

"No, off campus." She said simply, not wanting to dive too deep on the fresh topic. His gaze did not waver, almost dissecting her and wondered whether he was just as good at studying people like he did his curriculum.

A bell sounded off, buzzing through the air like a force field and indicated the lunch break, cutting off their conversation, and Kyla let out a quiet sigh. He gave her a knowing smile before suggesting to go to the cafeteria where even more people bustled about than ever.

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