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Hey,big sis. How's living alone in that house?

"I'm not really alone so jokes on you."

What? What do you mean?

"Well,I kinda have a boy living with me since his house is under renovation."

Are you insane?! How come none of you told me about this? I can't believe mom and dad didn't tell me about this.

"They didn't tell you cuz they don't know about this as well,you dumbass. But please,don't tell them. At least not yet."

Wow,keeping a big secret from your own parents,I see.

"Yeah,don't tell them."

I got you. How are you holding up anyway?

"I'm good. What about you?"

Things are okay. By the way,how's your Jaeden doing?

"Ohmygod,you and Clary literally have the same mind. I don't know and don't act like he and I have anything."

He is your crush,what do you expect?

"My crush not my boyfriend."

You want him to be though,right? Damn, you've had a crush on him since forever. I even remember it when you told me that you want him to be your first kiss but then you're not sure cuz you also like that Jeremy guy.

"Yeah...I forgot to tell you that Jeremy is the boy who's living with me."

Ohmygod,you guys are a thing?! You didn't even tell me that you guys are together now. I feel so fucking betrayed right now.

"I told you I'm just letting him stay here for a while cuz his house is under renovation."

Sure,Jess. You must be very happy right now,huh?


The doorbell rang which caught my attention. Jeremy went out but like he got the keys to this house so why would he ring the doorbell? Unless it's not him. I told my brother that I gotta go before hanging up on him. I head downstairs and walk towards the door.

I opened the door after unlocking it revealing Ben and Anthony holding Jeremy who I assume is asleep. I look at the both of them in confusion while they're smiling at me. "Hey,Jess. We're very sorry for disturbing your night but this Jeremy right here somehow got really wasted and we couldn't find his keys so we had to ring the doorbell."

I nodded at what Ben just explained before letting them in to place Jeremy in the living room. Looks like I'm gonna have a hard time dragging him up to his room. I just smiled at them as they tossed Jeremy on the couch before sighing loudly. Damn,he must be heavy.

"Alright,we're gonna have to leave now so please take care of our little Jeremy." I nodded at what Anthony said as we walk towards the door. I stand beside the door as I watch them leave. "Thank you,Jessica. We owe you one." They both smiled at me before leaving with their car.

I shut the door behind me before heading to the living room. I look at Jeremy who's sleeping peacefully. I bite my bottom lip before trying to lift him off the couch. He groaned as I started dragging him. He is heavy,just what I thought.

We finally arrived upstairs and Jeremy's room is at the end of the hallway. Just great. I sighed loudly before started dragging him again. Out of nowhere,he started groaning which made me kind of startled. "Hey,Jessie. Where are you taking me? Are we going to the ferris wheel?"

He placed an arm around my waist as he speak happily with his eyes still closed and his lips formed into a smile. I want to ignore him but I feel bad. "No,we're going to your room. You need to rest since you're literally so wasted right now." He then removed his arm that's around my neck and push me against the wall with that hand while the other stayed around my waist.

My cheeks started heating up as he move his face closer to mine. "Why don't we go to your room instead?" He whispered while smirking as he placed his forehead on mine looking into my eyes. I avoid his eye contact as I tried to calm my heart. He leaned in to my lips which made me look at his lips. I should answer him.

"Cuz you have to sleep in your room,Jeremy. Let's go to your room so you can sleep,okay?" I was about to leave but he tightened his grip around my waist as he pull my body closer to his. That made me look at him in the eyes while he just stare at me with a smirk. "Jessica,you're so beautiful."

Before I could say anything,he smashed his lips on mine as he pull me closer to him by my waist to deepen the kiss. My eyes widen at his action. Ohmygod,now Jeremy is kissing me. He pull away and look at me in the eyes. "How I wish I was your first kiss." He dropped to the ground after saying that while I'm standing there speechless.


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