Chapter 3

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Asher's POV

"Mr. Martinez can you please wake up already. You won't make it on time," said one of the maids. "Fine! I'll be ready in a sec," I assured her. 

It took me some time to get ready and by the time I got into my car to drive to school, I realized that class has started about five minutes ago. Great! Dad will have something to say about this. I decided to accelerate even more to get to class at least halfway through it. I can't miss taking notes. 

Now for some background information about me. I'm Asher Martinez, the most popular guy in Stillwater High School, as everyone likes to say.  I currently live with my dad and mom because they claim they need to keep an eye on me. I guess they also want to control my expenses since I do spend quite a lot. I mean what guy doesn't like cars? Anyways, being popular is annoying sometimes. You get to be part of the biggest rumors in the school and you regularly see girls throwing themselves at you. One of the most disturbing rumors I'm in is probably about Tatiana and me dating. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Tatiana, I just don't stand her personality and the way she and her friends bully people.

Especially when she bullies Vanessa.

I don't know why but I always have this feeling of wanting to approach her ever since last year. There is something that attracts me to her. Unfortunately, she's shy. She also is considered a nerd so it makes it harder to start a conversation with her when you have all these stereotypes and people that will look down at you if you break those stereotypes. It's annoying but I guess that's how life is supposed to be. 

After ten minutes of driving like a maniac, I luckily find a parking space. I grab my backpack and run towards my class which is all the way on the third floor. I get to the door and I accidentally open the door harder than I intended to. The first person I see is her. Vanessa. I don't know but I'm getting this weird feeling through my body as I'm looking at her. I start admiring the way she looks when she adverts her attention to the front of the classroom regaining her focus. I snap out of it a murmur a 'sorry' to the teacher. As I enter the classroom I look through to try to find a seat. The only seat I find available is the one in front of Vanessa. Suddenly, I get happy but also nervous. I go towards the empty seat and I suddenly think of an idea. I should use this opportunity to talk to her.

As I sit down I look to see her lifting her head after realizing my presence. We make eye contact and I must admit that this feeling of happiness spread throughout my body. I say, "Hi, Vanessa right?" Well, I guess that's a way to start up the conversation. Her eyes widen as those words leave my mouth and starts looking around the classroom. I guess she must be that surprised that I'm talking to her. Cute. Wait, what?! I seriously need to go to the doctor or something. While she realizes that I was talking to her she looks at me and I give her a smirk and advert my attention to the teacher not after noticing the glare Vanessa was receiving from Tatiana.

After about forty minutes, the bell finally rings. I lazily get up and start packing up and I see Vanessa and her friends already heading towards the door to leave. Next thing I know Vanessa is laying on the floor with all her things scattered on the floor. I avert my attention to Tatiana and see her and her friends laughing at Vanessa. I look at Vanessa again and see her pick herself up and running outside the classroom. "God, Tatiana that was amazing of you!" said one of Tatiana's friends. Tatiana simply smiles and I begin to get furious. Of course, it wasn't an accident, Tatiana just simply likes hurting other people to make herself feel better. I begin to walk towards her to confront her but she is already out the door. 

I notice Amelia and Emily, Vanessa's friends picking her things up so I bend down to help them. After finishing they thank me and run outside the classroom. I'm still furious at Tatiana so I decide to go and find her until I notice a phone underneath a desk. I bend down to pick it up and see a picture of Vanessa and her dog as the background. I put the phone in my back pocket to return it to her later and head out of the classroom. I see my friends Noah and Ethan coming towards me but I just murmur a 'hi' to them and continue walking. I only stop until I see Tatiana with her friends all laughing. 

I demanded, "Tatiana, we need to talk." I see her eyes widen in fear by the tone of my voice against her and says, "Sure, baby." I'm so cringing in the inside. I start walking away from their group knowing that Tatiana is following me. I take her far enough from her friends and say, "Why did you do it?" I'm really trying to contain my anger but I snap once she says "babe, she deserves it because she is ugly and she was trying to steal you away from me." I snap, "What the fuck is wrong with you?! Vanessa didn't do anything and we are NOT dating! When are you going to understand that!" Tatiana breaks into a seductive smile and says "Oh baby! you know you want me." Oh god, this girl doesn't understand the meaning of no. I just simply say, "stop it, I'm done with you and you better not mess with her anymore" and I walk away.

Throughout the day I keep wondering if Vanessa is alright since I don't share any more classes with her. I suddenly feel my phone vibrating telling me someone is calling me. I go to take out my phone and realize the phone that is vibrating is Vanessa's phone. I look to see the caller ID and see 'secretary' on the screen. 

Wait, what?!


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