Chapter 15

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DISCLAIMER: If you can't stand things about suicide, death, etc. please skip this chapter.

Vanessa's POV

The next couple of hours went by so quick. After the call, all of us decided to leave because  Emily needed to be with her mom in a situation like this. We got back a little bit after noon and the whole ride Emily remained silent. You can see tears falling from her face but she didn't utter a sound.

I feel like that's the worst type of cry. 

Crying silently. 

When we got to the hospital the group and I hesitated if we should go inside or not. We didn't want to intrude on a family matter. So we decided to go inside with Emily until she was with her mother. Then, we would leave to not disturb them after giving Emily some support.

Emily leads the way not bothering to ask for directions of where her dad was. I'm guessing she talked with her mom about it. We all followed behind her until we saw Mrs. Lopez in a chair sobbing. 

As soon as Emily saw her mom she ran and wrapped her hands around her mom. I looked at the guys and girls to give them a sign that we should wait a bit before we go near them. I focus my attention on Noah to see him looking really sad at Emily's state. 

After a couple of seconds, Emily and her mom release each other from the hug and turn to look at us. Emily begins to walk over to us and I can see how tired she looks as if she can't handle if something else was to happen.

"Could you guys stay, please," she whispers loudly enough for all of us to hear. We all look at each other and nod knowing that if Emily wants us to stay, its a sign that she trusts us and we should be there with her. We all walk closer to Mrs. Lopez and see her eyes match with Emily's both are swollen from all the crying. 

We hugged Mrs. Lopez for a bit of comfort and then we mostly remain silent. The group decided to tell their parents about where we were and a bit of why just in case they worried. When Asher came back after calling his parents and I'm guessing calling for Addilyn as well we see a doctor rush into a room.

I'm guessing that the room the doctor rushed into has Emily's dad because Mrs. Lopez stood up abruptly and rushed to the room. A nurse stood in between the doorway and didn't allow Mrs. Lopez in.

"M'am please wait you can't go in just yet," she says as calmly as she could. There was something happening to Mr. Lopez and Emily noticed it too.

Emily started sobbing but she grabbed her mom's hand and took her to sit down. The tension was clear in the room. What was happening? I didn't want to imagine the worst because I didn't want Emily to suffer like this. 

We all noticed a presence coming out of the room so we all stood up waiting to hear anything but bad news. Yet, the doctor's expression told me otherwise.

"Mrs. Lopez I'm really sorry. Your husband didn't make it-" he begins to say but is interrupted by Emily's and her mom's crying. 

I felt a couple of tears fall from my face at seeing how vulnerable they were. Emily's legs gave up on her that she knelt on the floor and cried. I rushed to her and begin hugging her. I didn't say things will be okay because that would be the biggest lie. So I just held her to allow her to let it all out. Amelia came by me too and hugged her as well. 

I turned my head sideways to look for Emily's mom but I see her already at the end of the hallway. I'm guessing she needs some space right now. 

"Why him? W-why him!? Vanessa, please tell me why it had to be my dad?!" she sobs.

"I don't know Emily. I don't know," I whisper. I felt like a horrible friend. I wanted to be able to comfort her but I didn't know how to do it. Instead, I help Emily up to the chair so she can continue crying there. Noah suddenly comes close to me and stretches out his hand with tissues for Emily.

I grab them and wipe some of Emily's tears as she tries to calm herself down. 

"I want to go home," she whispers. I look at her and nod and help her up. We all begin to walk towards where we parked the cars. Asher rushes to open the door of his car for Emily. Both Emily and I go to the backseats and sit there until Asher starts driving but we see that Asher is being held up by the rest of the group.

"Vanessa I will be in Noah's car, I'll meet you guys at her house," says Amelia once she approaches Asher's car. I simply nod while I rub Emily's back as a bit of comfort.

Asher finally gets into the car and I see Addilyn getting on her vehicle from the side window. Noah, Ethan, and Amelia are all on Noah's car by the time Asher starts driving off. We sit in silence the whole entire car ride to Emily's house. Emily at this time has stopped crying but you can still see the sadness in her face. I feel like she must be too tired to continue crying.

When we get to Emily's driveway my whole body turns cold. As if something was going to happen. I ignored it since Emily can't deal with me at the moment. We both get out of the car and Emily passes the house keys to Asher. Asher jogs towards the house to open it up for us. As I walk beside Emily I see Asher freeze at the doorway.

He doesn't move. 

I guess Emily realized what I was seeing. We catch up to Asher and wonder what caused him to freeze up.

I also freeze up as I see what was inside Emily's house.

I wished we never saw it though.

The memory will definitely remain in me. 

We all saw a body.

Unfortunately, it was a lifeless body that was hanging near the doorway.


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