Chapter 8

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"Miss Vanessa, I called you today because we been notified that Samantha has been sending your latest designs to your biggest competitor behind our backs."My mind went blank as soon as Claire finished her statement. It's not that I worried about the money I'll lose if they copy the designs and launch it first. I feel bad for all the hard work my employes have put into this for it to be thrown away. 

I look towards Samantha and asked, "Why did you do it?" She just kept quiet and continued to not meet my gaze. 

I shouted, "was the salary not good enough? Did I not treat you right?! I gave you, like all my employes my trust! Until you tell me why you did it, you're fired!" Samantha began to sob. She got up and left and Claire follows behind her. 

"Sorry for being too harsh," I whispered as Claire closes the door behind her.

I feel horrible. I don't understand why I can't be harsh with the people that betray me. I know I should feel mad at her but I just feel bad since I fired her. I know I can't keep her in the company knowing what she did is wrong and can interfere in later projects if I keep her. My thoughts are interrupted when my phone gets a notification. I take it out of my purse and see that it's from a group chat that has been created.

Nonsense Group

Noah: Angel face where u at???

Me: Sorry I overslept

Asher: Are you still planning to come to school?

Me: Yeah I'll be there in an hour or so

Emily: Okay be careful on your way here

Me: ok

I smile at this. Of course, Noah came up with the name and Emily is acting like the caring mother of the group.

Once I get to school there are five minutes left in class before lunch starts. I decided to take my time to go to our table. The bell rings when I'm halfway there. Once I get my lunch I sat down and see Ethan and Amelia being the only ones in the table. Amelia is laughing her ass off at something Ethan said. Ethan is looking at Amelia and has this look in his eyes as if he is enjoying her presence. Finally! they are making progress. I sit down and they greet me while it takes a couple of more minutes before all six of us are seated.

The conversation in the table goes from where I was, to why parents lie about Santa Claus existing. Don't ask me how we got there because I don't know either. "I think parents should just tell their children there is no such thing and not lie," Emily explains. 

"Yeah, if I was a parent I would tell them to treat me right or else they are getting shit for Christmas!" says Noah. This is why I love his personality. While I was enjoying the conversation that was going around I suddenly freeze up at the familiar sound of heels against the concrete floor.

"Hey, Nessa," says Tatiana. I guess my fear was really noticeable because Emily grabs my hand and holds it tight under the table. Her hand gives me assurance that maybe things would be alright today. 

"Its Vanessa, what are you doing here?" says Asher. I look up to see his face and I notice his face is mostly expressionless and his jaw is set.

"Oh hi Ashy, I just came because lately Vanessa and I haven't been having fun together since I've been too busy these days," she says in a bitchy tone. 

Noah murmurs "eww, Ashy." Gosh, this guy doesn't know when to shut up. 

"Tatiana can you please get your fake ass out of here," demanded Ethan. I decided to look at Tatiana and see her glaring at Noah and Ethan. 

She composes herself and looks at me and Asher since he is sitting next to me "Nessa, I'm getting really tired of you trying to come between me and Asher. Don't you get it, no one would look at trash. He would never care for a nerd like you"

So the rumors were true. Asher and Tatiana were dating. "Ashy, we should continue what happened last night," she says and gives him a wink. Wow, I'm pathetic. I actually thought we could at least become really good friends. I thought he would care. Not wanting to hear anymore before I break down in front of everyone I get up and try to walk away. I was then pulled back by Tatiana when she grabs my hand. 

"Nessa, I thought you knew that no one walks away from me." Then she grabs Emily's tray of food and throws it on top of my head. The lunchroom was full of gasps and laughter. I look towards the table and see the girls looking shocked and the boys glaring at Tatiana. If looks could kill, Tatiana would be under six feet of dirt right now. Not wanting the bad attention I run towards the bathroom.

I go inside the bathroom and look at my pathetic self. I chuckle softly. Why was I so stupid? Asher never cared. Why did I get my hopes up a little? I jump a little when the door bursts open with a panicked Asher. He walks towards me and grabs paper towels to help me clean up. He cleans up my face and caresses my face while staring at me. I melt under his touch as he continues. I snap out of it once the earlier events come rushings into my mind. What is Asher doing?! He has a girlfriend! A lovely girlfriend that likes to bully me as a hobby.

I push his hand away from my face feeling pathetic again. He looks surprised at my action and I say, "Asher please leave..."

 Asher worrying asks, "No, I won't leave, what's wrong?" I chuckle, for how long was he going to keep up the act. I guess my response annoys him because he turns serious. 

"Tell me, Vanessa! What's the problem?!" he says clearly impatient. I had enough.

As he raised his voice anger consumes my body and I yell, "you're the fucking problem! Stop pretending you care!." I can see that he is slightly shocked at my outburst. 

He recovers from it and yells, "You think I don't care Vanessa!?" 

"Yes, you don't care! Why would you care after all?!" I scream back at him.

The next thing he says leaves my whole body in shock.

"Because I fucking like you Vanessa"


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Disguised as a Nerdحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن