yeah, love isn't for me, sorry

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If I was asked if I could live without falling in love I would say I could, I can live and function without it. Love can do you more harm that it can do you good. Seriously it does.

1. Falling in love is addicting

A chemical, dopamine, is released during the initial attraction stage of the relationship. It's also the same chemical that your body releases when using cocaine or nicotine. I told you it's dangerous and here's how it gets worse.

2. It will literally make you crazy

Believe me or not but people have seriously become infatuated with people and the levels of serotonin that causes this infatuation is found in those with obsessive-compulsive disorder. An anxiety disorder. I'd rather keep myself healthy thank you very much.

3. Love will break you

Like it or not you'll end up getting broken to the point where you don't even know how to live anymore. Not that it's happened to me but I've seen it first hand. Who? Well, let's just say that it's someone who's delusional to believe in love and destiny.

You're probably wondering why I hate the thought of love, I don't, I just don't believe in it. People get together because they feel lonely, they want the feeling of being wanted and protected. That and you get free food which is really the only advantage.

"Y/N, are you coming with me tonight?", my best friend Jeongyeon spoke as she stood up from her chair and made her way to sit next to the empty seat beside me, looking at my screen. "I'm going to Nayeon and Jihyo's dorm after class, they're having few friends over".

"I don't know, I still have to finish this and I have to upload at midnight today", I said not stopping typing up my paper.

"C'mon you didn't come to the last one. Jihyo got really angry at me. Please come, please", she whined and gave me her puppy eyes.

"If I get my paper done in time then I'll come with you", I already finished my paper last night but I opened up a document that was unfinished so it looked like I was doing work. I just didn't want to be disturbed but here I am being disturbed.

"Alright, I'll meet you at the convenience store in front of campus. Nayeon's given me a list of things to buy for later", the slightly smaller girl grabs her bag from the kitchen table and made her way out.

"You're so whipped", I chuckled causing Jeongyeon to groan.

"Of course I'm whipped, she's my girlfriend. You just don't understand. Anyways, I'll see you later. 8pm, don't forget".

"Yeah, yeah. Have fun in class", I hear the door slam but opened a second a later.

"I know you finished your paper last night because I read it when you fell asleep. Be on time or you owe me a meal", I slam my laptop shut, and shouted an 'I will' and then the sound of the door closing.


"Jeongyeon better cook me food for a week for forcing me to go out in this weather", I spoke to myself, my hands buried deep inside my thick puffer jacket as I try to warm them up.

I should be in bed right now, all warm and cozy but here I am walking in the freezing night. But then again, I'd get an earful from Jihyo tomorrow morning when I see her in lectures so I guess going will save me from that.

Ever since first year of university we would get together over at Jihyo's, it was a way that we can de-stress from a full week of lectures, seminars and every other thing that would piss you off. A way to have fun too.

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