i didn't see you there, i'm not sorry

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"Mum, I'm fine. Yes. I'll be home for Christmas, okay maybe I don't know yet", these are one of the weekly phone calls I get from my mum. She worries too much that I'm either not eating enough or I'm drowning myself in alcohol any chance I get.

"Well, I spoke to Chaeyoung's mum and she said she'll happily let us stay over their house for Christmas". 

"Or, we can just stay at Gran and Granpa's house which is just opposite Chaeyoung's place", I stop to check the time on my watch, it was already 9:34 pm already and I've yet to see Jeongyeon walk by. 

"You know that your grandparents are still upset at the fact I married you're Dad", she huffed and I knew that she has this pout on her face. 

"Okay, I'll be home for Christmas or whatever it is you want me to do", I hear her "quietly" say a 'yas'. This woman acts like a kid. "Seriously though Mum, it's been 22 years. Nana needs to get over it. Plus, she loves me so I don't think she's mad you".

"You don't know your Nana like I do. Have you seen your Dad meet your Nana before?", now that I think about it, I don't think my Dad has ever been with us when we would stay at my grandparent's house. "Exactly", she continued on talking but I blocked her out as I scan around campus to look for Jeongyeon. 

Upon seeing the latter, I quickly shouted her name and she waved at me. "Okay, Mum I'll speak to you soon. I have lectures now. Bye, I love you", I waited for her to say bye and I love you before hanging up and shoving my phone in my pocket. 

I jogged to Jeongyeon's direction and saw that Nayeon was with her. "So, that's why you're late", I said as I pointed at Nayeon. 

"Shut it Y/N", Nayeon glared at me and pushed herself closer to Jeongyeon. The weather today was pretty cold, an average winter day in December. 

"You coming bowling later?", Jeongyeon asked as she tightly wrapped her arms around Nayeon. 

"I don't know yet. I have rotations in cardio at 1pm and I don't know when that'll finish. I'll just text you if I can make it", I scrummage through my bag to give the report that Jeongyeon had asked me to give to her. "Here's your paper", I said as I handed the thick book like report. I bid the two goodbye and made my way into the campus building. 

My felt my phone vibrate through my jacket pocket and I quickly took it out just in case it was my pre-clinic doctor. Last time I didn't check my phone, I came to a surgery that I wasn't suppose to be part of and my trainer gave me an earful and being told off in front of about 10 adu-

"Shit", instead of my phone being in my hand it was on the tiled floor and instead I was holding onto someone. I swiftly took my grip off the person and rushed to pick my phone up to check on any visual cracks and lo and behold, the screen had a crack running down the middle of it. "Fuck sake", can this day get any worse?

"Ehem", I turned my head to the left and a girl wearing a black jacket was looking towards me. I didn't say anything and continued to look at the girl, to be honest I was just waiting for her to say something, like a sorry. "Are you not going to apologise for crashing into me?", she finally opened her mouth only to say the wrong words. 

"Shouldn't you be saying sorry to me? You're the one who cracked my phone.", I held my phone up to show the damages she's done. I took a few steps forward, you know so she can really see the detail in my cracked phone screen. 

"Wait, you're Y/N aren't you?", the girl suddenly asked me. How the hell does she know me and I don't?

"Yeah, that's me and you owe me a new phone", I glared the girl who only scoffed at my words. 

"I don't owe you anything, it wasn't my fault you were glued to your phone and wasn't looking where you're suppose to go", to be extra the girl really placed her hands on her hips. 

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