Chapter 5: Part Two

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It's easy for me to keep my eyes off her when she's across the room. However, it doesn't stop my senses from getting on edge when I feel her response as she finally realizes I'm here, in the same building as her. It takes everything in me to stay at the table and not chase after her when she bolts. My feet shuffle in anticipation of her reappearance.

Against my will I become even more rigid as she reenters the room, and my muscles twitch when she heads this way. Prayers sound in my head that she doesn't confront me, at least not right now. Keeping my eyes locked on Eugene as she walks past takes every ounce of self-control I have in order to not to grab her swinging arm.

Eugene seems oblivious to my inattentiveness as he talks about his bride. It's always the same, compliment after compliment in order to make others jealous of his well tamed bride. My eyes might be on Eugene, but my ears are on Charlie. The tips of my fingers dig into my knees from a tight firm grip that squeezes at the joints when I hear the bartender flirt with her. Even though his true desire is for a girl named Janessa, I can't help but to want to snap his neck.

I don't hear anything besides the words in my own head, the repeating words, she's mine. My restraint fades away, causing me to stand up abruptly.

"On edge, Maxwell?" Eugene questions. The skepticism in his eyes should make me fearful that I'm on the verge of being caught, but I don't have time for anything other than seeing Charlie.

"I just could use another drink. I'll be right back," I state before hurrying away. With a glance back I catch Eugene messing with his phone. Maybe calling or taking a call from his bride?

I purposely touch her elbow with my own as I come to stand at the bar. When her face loses all emotion, I know she realizes who's beside her.

The bartender finishes her drink order within seconds after my arrival. Relief washes over me as she rejects his offer of a drink yet again, leading the man to turn toward me instead. Almost drastically her behavior changes after I order my drink.

Uncontrollably, my hands ball into fists as she orders herself a beverage. The emotions that are built up inside me pound away at the shield I try so desperately to hold up as she jokes about me wanting my drink extra bloody. It took me years to train my body to digest something other than blood. Some vampires learn to tolerate food, some learn to tolerate water, but I learned to consume Bloody Marys. I had a sick sense of humor back in the day.

Knowing very well that Eugene may be listening in on the conversation, I frantically glance back once more in his direction and see him still occupied with his phone call. The feeling that accompanies a nervous sweat slowly ebbs away.

With the slam of two glasses on the marble bar top, my attention is brought back to the ever growing dire situation. My eyes close in defeat as she guzzles her shot of liquor and immediately asks for another. Alcohol taints the blood. It's like acid in one's mouth. She gestures a goodbye and I shrug in response at the bartender to answer his clueless look that silently asks me if I knew that girl, but I copy his expression of confusion. With my drink in hand, I grudgingly return to my seat.

"Did you know that girl?" Eugene asks me, his voice full of interest.

If my face could flush in panic it would, but I easily keep my stone facade. I'm not sure how much he heard, but it play dumb. "No, just some drunk, oblivious girl who thinks everyone wants her. There're many of that kind of women in this town. Mine, on the other hand, completely opposite of that. She's kind, generous and very intelligent."

"Luck is on your side. My bride resembles a robot. She just goes through the motions and bends over backward to impress me." And he starts it up again. "This bride of yours sounds to be quite an equal to you. Not to mention, I have an impression that she keeps you on your toes."

"We're more similar than you can imagine and even though she's perfect in so many ways, we have our arguments."

Eugene continues to talk further about his bride. How she does whatever he asks of her, how she always overcompensates. My attention is still fully on Charlie, however, so anything he has to say doesn't stick. It would be more of a meaningful conversation if I had never heard the same words leave his mouth before.

Time stands still, but sooner or later Charlie calls it a night, causing my teeth to clamp together since I can't follow her. How I would love to follow her and question her about her actions tonight as I assume she would love to question mine, but I can't afford Eugene following me. If he were to find out that the girl I encountered at the bar was my bride and I didn't confess the connection, I would have some explaining to do and Charlie would have some flaunting to do.

Therefore, I say a few farewell words in my head. Until we meet again, my bride, until we meet again, I say to myself.

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