Chapter Twenty One - Part One

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Completely engulfed in cleaning and organizing, I lose track of time. The doorbell chimes throughout the house, putting a stop to my manic frenzy. Almost skipping to the door with my hands rubbing together with anxiousness, a shriek of excitement greets my friend at the door.

"No car?" I ask.

I stare at Juliet as she holds up two large bottles of wine, one in each hand. She invites herself in and immediately goes to the kitchen to put the bottles in the fridge. "Nope. I plan to get tipsy." She swings back around meeting my stare. "So what's on the schedule for tonight?"

"Drinking. Drinking...and more drinking obviously." I reply as she waggles the bottles in the air.

"Well...I did bring a movie to watch." She digs in her oversized purse searching for something. It takes a moment before she pulls something out, waving it in my face.

That's the best movie she could find. I do have to say that it's better than another movie I can think of, but Warm Bodies...a zombie love story. It's just the thing I want to see right now, a dead man who tries to be as much alive and human as possible for his attraction to a living breathing girl.

Is this some sick joke or a really bad dream. Maybe just maybe I'll wake up and laugh at myself.

"Don't give me that look. There is nothing wrong with Warm Bodies. You know I have a crush on Nicholas Hoult. Now why don't you get some snacks for us while I get the movie ready."

I roll my eyes as I turn my back on her. "So bossy." I joke, which get a laugh out of her. Minutes later I join her on the couch. The movie is already at the title screen, waiting for the play button to be pressed. I force myself to relax, enjoy the moment, endure the moment...several hour and forty minutes to be exact.

Regrettably I laugh and cry and by the end of the movie I grow disappointed that it has to come to an end. With all my attention put on the TV, I didn't even notice that Juliet drank my soda along with eating a majority of the chips.

Both of us stand up to stretch our stiff limbs in our pursuit to the kitchen for refills of chips and soda. Halfway there the doorbell rings. Juliet looks at me with a full mouth of chips from the now empty bowl, her eyes asking the question of who's at the door without her physically saying a word. I shrug, completely frozen. The thought of Maxwell showing up here tonight out of all nights when I told him not to makes me bite my tongue in anger. Feeling at home Juliet races to the door before I can get a handle on my emotions, a sly smile on her face as she expects a familiar stranger to be waiting on the other side. I race after her only to have her shove me to the side.

I can feel her swallow the mouthful of food as she brushes crumbs off her shirt. She tosses her head back wagging her eyebrows up and down. She gives me a quick wink before she answers the door, trapping me behind it. "Can I help you?" Juliet questions our visitor after she opens the door just a crack. From where I stand, I can't see who it is, but she's seem Maxwell before and the blank look on her face says it isn't Maxwell.

"Is Ms. Preston available?" His deep smooth voice stops my heart. The searing in my lungs lets me know I haven't died of a heart attack...yet. With a chill shivering its way through my body, I can't help but to fear the man behind the door even though I have no idea who he is.

"Maybe, why?" Juliet says bluntly.

"If I could come in and talk to her."

"Sorry, no boys allowed tonight," Juliet quickly retorts back.

"Maybe she can come out for a walk. It's quite a beautiful night."

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" The rudeness that makes Juliet...well, Juliet starts to seep into her voice.

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