Chapter Nine - Part One

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No matter how much I don't want another work week to start, it does. There are plenty of things to occupy my mind, but one thing keeps blocking my judgment...Maxwell. The screaming children at the birthday party I had this past Saturday kept me on my toes, though. The cries from the children made my head hurt and made it completely impossible to think about anything. However, the birthday party might have kept my mind in check, but Juliet kept my emotions in check.

She refused to call me about her talk with Wilson. She just sent an email that consisted of three words: you owe me. A few days later, I received phone calls from eager parents wishing to enlist their child for the party. She's still angry with me for refusing to tell her anything about Maxwell, not as if I have a choice. I can't flaunt a vampire in her face.

After almost two weeks of surprising him in his hotel room, I haven't seen him since. All I can do to keep myself from going insane is count down the remaining hours to the next party. Thank goodness, it's tomorrow.

I walk into the office to see Morgan behind her desk hard at work. "I didn't think I was late," I say as I stop by her desk.

"You're not, I just came in early. I'm super excited about the party tomorrow night." She bounces in her seat.

"Morgan, are you sure? It doesn't start until ten in the evening; do you not have to go to church Sunday morning?" Any party that starts that late at night screams trouble and part of me wants to protect her.

"Yeah, but I'm going to stay as long as possible. I can't miss anything that happens." The innocent smile that spreads across her face makes me want to pinch her cheeks. Even though I feel the urge to treat her like my little sister, I don't.

"We'll see, Morgan." I tap her shoulder gently before I make my way to my office. My feet stop abruptly in the doorway. My eyes can't rip themselves away from the large wooden desk. "Morgan?" I hear her mumble 'yup' in reply. "Did you put this package on my desk?"

I hear her footsteps coming down the hall. "Package? I don't know anything about a package." She now stands beside me, staring at the blood red wrapped gift box lying perfectly centered on my desk.

"It wasn't by the door or delivered by a postal man and you just forgot that you put it in here?" I question her.

"I think I would remember if I saw that wrapping paper. I; it reminds me of blo—"

"You can go back to work now," I say, cutting her off. I don't need her to tell me that the color of the paper reminds her of blood. The mention of blood only leads to one person. I walk over to the box cautiously and place it aside as gently as possible as if it were a bomb. Forcing myself not to open it until I get home takes a toll on me and drains me of all energy. I like to think I have an exceptional amount of patience, but that package taunts me.

I can't help but stare at it all day. There's something about it that draws my curiosity in the worst way. Grateful once seven o'clock rolls around, I grab my purse and head up to the front door, more than ready to have this day end.

Morgan is nowhere in sight when I make my way to the front of the office. "Morgan?"

"I'm in the back. Just a sec." Her hair is ruffled when she finally comes into view. A puff of air from between her pursed lips blows stray strands of hair out of her face. "Whew. Those boxes back there. Killer. Where's your box? Did you open it?"

"Oh, it still must be in my office. I'll get it tomorrow."

"Don't be silly, I can get it for you." In a matter of seconds she reemerges with the red wrapped package.

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