Four, Dane

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I watched the hallway where the restrooms were intently waiting for her to get back, hoping that I had not scared her away, and her friend just came over to save her because of some secret signal or some shit. I really had no idea she seemed genuinely startled by her friends' hands coming down on her shoulders.

"This seat open?" I'm pulled from my thoughts as my gaze meets a shady gentleman. I nodded my head no unsure as to why he was asking. Then I saw him sit down look around and, in an attempt to be sly, dropped something in Austyn's drink while trying to get the bartenders attention. If I didn't have the skills, I've acquired I probably would not have caught this as he was asking for another shot at the same time.

I took another sip of my beer watching him closely as he walked away and took a seat so that he had the perfect view of her when the time came for whatever was now in her drink to start working. I was seeing red. I couldn't blow my cover, I couldn't let these people know who I really was, what I really was. Months, hell years, of work would be in the shitter if I didn't act casually in this situation. One wrong move and my face could be on police radar, I'd be killed in a heartbeat I'm sure. Protect my identity period. I got the bartenders attention quickly.

"Another one?" She questioned quickly seeming out of breath from running back and forth.

"Please, and can you bring one for Austyn as well when she comes back. Thanks." She smiled at me before handing me another beer taking my empty in the process. I took another sip and could feel her walk out of the hallway where the bathrooms were, it was like my whole body had a jolt go through it. We instantly made eye contact and she quickly hugged her friend and walked back over to me sitting back down.

"Okay to still sit here? My drink was holding my spot." She smiled as she went to pick up her drink.

"Don't drink that." She stopped before it reached her mouth and looked over at me. I could see fear in her eyes shining through ever so slightly. "Trust me, I know you have no reason to trust me, but I ordered you a new one." As I said that the bartender set it down in front of her and dumped the old one with a bright smile and sly wink to Austyn. "The gentleman behind us...put something into that one while you were gone." She started to turn. "Don't look. Let him think that he succeeded. He will get his I promise you that. However, he's going to be keeping a very close eye on you tonight."

She quickly got up and ran over to her friend. I regretted saying anything to her immediately, although I eyed her phone sitting on the bar still. As I was getting ready to get up, with her phone in my hand, to go explain further and give it back, a woman came up on my left side and grabbed my bicep.

"You're over here all alone come dance with me!" I shook my head no. I already had this woman pegged, she was in here when I came in earlier dancing all up on top of everyone that would let her. "Come on honey I want to feel that body on mine." I cringed closing my eyes dropping my head, my hand never leaving my beer bottle or Austyn's phone. She tried to pull me again when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Excuse me can I help you?" Her gorgeous voice sang through my ears. I picked my head up quickly turning to my side, so I was facing her.

"Trying to get this gorgeous piece of London meat to dance with me!" The lady slurred trying to keep her balance which she was slowly failing at.

"Sorry honey, he's taken. Hey baby." She smiled softly and placed a soft kiss on my cheek sending shock waves straight to my dick. I tried keeping my expression as neutral as possible, but with her this close that was next to impossible. "Sorry, the line for the bathroom was horrible and Cass just couldn't hold it! Everything okay over here?" Making sure to say the lie loud enough for the girl to hear.

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