Eleven, Austyn

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Cassie and I made our way inside, I leaned up against the door after closing it. I couldn't believe the feelings I was having for this man. It was insane, I was insane, wasn't I? I mean who in their right mind falls this hard for a stranger. Don't get me wrong I know people that had a first date and got engaged and married within the same year, but did they feel like this after meeting them? Love at first sight, I didn't believe in it until now. Cassie walked over and put her arms around me pulling me into a hug.

"You are in deep honey."

"I know, this is so bad." I sighed.

"Deegan said they leave town soon?" She sat down on the couch, I followed.

"Wednesday early morning."

"You're going to lose it."

"Yea I know." I sighed again

"This isn't good, this is too soon Aus."

"I know."

"It isn't a good idea."

"We're going out on a date tomorrow night."

"You sure you haven't slept with him? I mean if you want to hook line and sinker that boy you better get on it before he leaves." She stared at me waiting for an answer. I didn't believe her, I believed that if he wanted me and I wanted him that we would end up together in the end. That's how fate works, but this wasn't a fairy tale. I didn't know how this was going to end. "Tomorrow night seriously, then at least you can have two nights of fun with him before he walks out of your life forever."

"You don't know that."

"Sweetie I don't need to know that to know guys."

"Cass, you don't know him." I stood.

"I don't need to know him to know guys Aus! He's going to move on the second he leaves town." I couldn't listen to this any longer. Dane and I talked almost constantly the past two days, and there wasn't a way he was that kind of guy. "Why do you think I was trying to get Deegan in here? I wanted on that sexy piece of meat several times before I never saw him again. That's what you should be doing with Dane. Jumping on him before you don't get the chance to."

"Act like I haven't tried! We either have been walked in on, or he stopped us from going any further!" She sighed, and I just walked away and made my way upstairs to my room. Once in there I showered and changed before checking my phone.

D - I can't wait to see you tomorrow. Deegan and I have a few things to do with work, but after that I'm all yours. I miss those amazing lips already, and the feeling of you in my arms.

I melted at his words, maybe I wasn't the only one who had felt this strongly so quickly.

Me - I didn't want you to leave. I wanted you to stay here in my bed with me. I wanted you to hold me all night.

He replied almost instantly.

D - It took everything in me not to turn around. Tomorrow beautiful, tomorrow.

I smiled tears coming to my eyes. God what was wrong with me! This was insane! How in the hell am I getting this lucky? I just, I don't know why me? Why did I get this amazing man? Why does he have to leave so soon? I need to find out how long he's going to be gone for.

M - I can't wait <3

D - Me either. Sweet dreams.

M - You too

I put my phone on charge, before climbing into bed and falling asleep.

When I woke up the next morning, I was overly excited. I jumped out of bed getting ready then running to the club instead of driving. I got done all the busy work I could find left over from the weekend. Updated all the books, checked all of inventory, and even restocked the bar. Busy work until the clock hit 4:30 then quickly ran back to my place to get ready for tonight.

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