Twenty-One, Austyn

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Three months along, 14 weeks to be exact. I felt like a damn whale. Cassie wasn't even showing and here I looked like I was 5 or 6 months pregnant. Deegan enjoyed poking fun at me about it always asking about my beer gut. Dane would hit him in the shoulder every single time then come running over to kiss me then kiss my belly. He was the gentlest man I could ever ask for. If I was feeling sick, he would do everything he could to make me feel better. If I had to go into work and he was home, we went together and he did things he deemed too hard for a pregnant woman, which was everything except the paperwork.

He made me smile, all the time.

"Hey babe! Jayda is calling you!" I yelled to him, he was currently switching laundry over for me...everything.

"Answer it please!" I laughed before hitting answer on the video call.

"Hey girl hey!!" She laughed as I waved to her. "So, listen I'm glad you answered and not my doofus brother! I wanted to know if you guys could come up here for Thanksgiving? You know meet us in person have some family time."

"That would be awesome, I'll have to make sure doofus can take off work for a few days." She laughed.

"See, this is why I love you already. You aren't afraid to make fun of him, he needs that. Most people hype him up to be some sort of ... god cop or something." She rolled her eyes. "He needs us to put him back in his place."

"Well if it helps, at this current moment your very domesticated brother is switching over laundry and probably folding it right out of the dryer. Then he'll put it away before he goes downstairs to make dinner." She looked shocked.

"Oh my god what? He knows how to do that stuff?" I couldn't help but laugh as Dane walked in the room.

"Do what?"

"Who knew you were so domestic taking over the daily woman tasks, gosh I should tell mom she has a second daughter." Dane poked his head into view.

"Oh ha, ha I'm sure Josh would do laundry if you didn't wait on him hand and foot."

"Nope, he would wear dirty clothes before doing laundry, and would eat off of a dirty plate, and would probably eat dinner out of the microwave, or a can." She had this look of disgust on her face and it made me laugh.

"Why'd you call me?"

"Cause you need friends." She said deadpan, I laughed again.


"I want everyone to come up for Thanksgiving this year, and Christmas. Josh got a job offer and he is thinking about taking it. We'd be moving, so this may be the last year all of us can easily get together."

"Where to?" Dane asked.

"I am not disclosing that information yet, because I don't want to jinx the job offer, and also because I don't really know." She laughed.

"Wow Jayda, wow."

"Shut up, I'm so tired. So, is that a yes?"

"Yea, I'm sure we can make it happen." He looked over at me before placing his lips softly against mine and rubbing my belly with his hand, thankfully out of view from Jayda. We were going to tell them when we went up for Christmas, but I guess Thanksgiving is even better.

"Good, everyone is going to be staying at Mom and Dad's just so we can all be close. Oh, and Deegan can join."

"And Cassie his girlfriend will be coming to, they can get a hotel."

"You know damn well mom will not allow that for Thanksgiving morning. Maybe after but you know mom." He laughed

"You're right, I'll talk to Deeg, see if they can."

"Good, oh man I am so excited!"

"Me too!" I said before Dane could say anything.

"We're going to hang up now because I just got home after being gone for three days and need to make love to my woman." My eyes went wide, and I smacked his arm playfully.


"Gross Jensen, gross. Little sister, don't need to know."

"Bye!" He said before grabbing the phone and hanging up. His lips were on my instantly, I pushed him away slightly.

"So, we get to tell them about the baby sooner."

"I can't wait." His smile didn't falter.

"By the way, still bugs me out that your sister doesn't have an accent, but you do, and your brother sort of does." He laughed and put his head down.

"She wasn't really talking until after we moved to the states, so she heard the teachers and stuff more than us I guess?" I shrugged my shoulders smiling. "Don't try to change the subject woman." He said almost against my lips before closing the gap and kissing me soft and slow.

Breaking the kiss, he leaned down and kissed my growing belly, causing me to break out in a fit of giggles.

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