Twenty-four ~ Trial

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Alec is here, Alec came to see me get punished.

But he didn't look satisfied. He looked kind of wasted, sad and desperate. Why? He should be happy, since his plan had worked out perfectly.

And why did Isabelle Lightwood just walked by his side and claimed to be his lawyer? Nothing made sense. Magnus didn't know what to do.

He thought about how horrible he must look, but why did he even care? Not that Alec would notice or care anyways.

He broke the eye-contact between him and the shadowhunter to focuse on the trial. Just ignore him. He thought. Make sure you'll survive this with your head up, don't show them how you feel.

"Whatever" the judge didn't seem to care who spoke for Magnus, he just looked like he wanted to get this over with soon. So did Magnus.

"Magnus Bane is charged for kidnapping, blackmailing and aiding the escape of an criminal. Mister Bane do you have anything to say to your offence?"

Magnus didn't. What was the point.

"Alright then, sorry I didn' catch your name Misses..." the judge asked Izzy.

She was about to tell him her name but someone else suddenly stood up and spoke "Isabelle! What in Raziel's name are you doing here! Get down there!" It was Robert Lightwood.
Of course he was here to see Magnus suffer.

"No! My name is Isabelle Lightwood and I'm going to defend Magnus Bane in this case." She said busting with confidence. Magnus looked at her for the first time and she smiled at him. He couldn't believe that she actually cared for him. Maybe there was at least one good Lightwood after all. Or was this just a trap? Another horrible play the Lightwoods acted on him. Rising his hopes again just to smash them in the ground? He couldn't trust her.

"May I call my first witness?" Izzy said and looked at the judge for permission. He looked surprised but nodded slowly.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood, the victim of the kidnapping." She said and Magnus saw how Alec looked startled for a few seconds but then rose from his seat.

"Alec, no!" Robert said sharply and looked at his son "Don't you dare go up there, I swear.. I.. "

but Alec was already on the way to the podium, ignoring his farther

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but Alec was already on the way to the podium, ignoring his farther. He looked a little nervous.

What are you going to say about me Lightwood, hm?! Going to tell some more dirty little lies?!

Alec sat down at the seat, provided for witnesses. He swore in Raziel's name to tell the truth and only the truth and then Izzy asked her first question:

Did Magnus Bane at any point in your imprisonment, harmed, humiliated or hurt you in any other way?"

"No." Alec said loudly and clearly. "He was really nice to me" he added.

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