Twenty-six ~Party

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Magnus felt a lot better. He felt like himself again. His hair looked flawless and had some red strains in it, his make-up was on point and he felt safer surrounded by glitter and jewellery. A few days ago he hadn't believed that everything could take a good end. But it did, well almost. He felt like he had been chained for the last month and had now finally been let free. 

Raphael was back in New York, safe and happy that Mortecai was in prison now. He kept sending Magnus texts that he really needed to meet that Lightwood girl, who saved him. Magnus had told him that he would throw a party for him and himself and of course Isabelle would be there as well.

Catarina had told him about everything the shadowhunter's had done for him. It was incredible. He would have never thought that Nephilim would care so much for a downworlder, for him. He had found some new friends.

He didn't have to worry about hiding anymore, didn't have to worry about his friends or anyone other than himself, which felt incredible.

He didn't have to worry about tall, dark and handsome, being locked up in his basement. He had to admit that he missed having an adorable little prisoner.  And that's how his thoughts wandered to Alec, like they always did.

To Alec, who he had been thinking about way too much. To Alec, who had opened up to him just two days ago.

I love you.

It had felt incredible and Magnus had heard the sound of a hammer, smashing against a wall, trying to destroy it. But the wall, he had built to protect himself, still stood. She was damaged now, but still there, still strong, still keen on protecting Magnus's heart.

I really need that party now. Magnus thought. Yes, I'm recovered it's time to celebrate!

Magnus Bane was famous for his incredible partys. If you would ask any downworlder about his best party stories, you will find out, that they had all happened in Magnus Bane's loft, influenced by a lot of glitter.

 If you would ask any downworlder about his best party stories, you will find out, that they had all happened in Magnus Bane's loft, influenced by a lot of glitter

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Magnus plans for this party were huge. He was so happy and relieved how everything had played out that he wanted to give people the most legendary party ever. Money wasn't an issue.

Catarina arrived early to help him prepare.

"Magnus, I'm so happy to see that you're back to your own self." He hugged her quickly. There was a lot to do. His loft was full of people, helping him prepare for the party. "Carefull with that!" Magnus said sharply to a strong man, who carried a massive chocolate Fountain onto the balcony.

"Magnus, you know this doesn't have to be that big.." Catarina started and looked worried at two men who were struggling to carry a massive jar, filled with rainbow coloured glitter. "We're just happy that you're back.. a movie night would have done it."

"Catarina.." Magnus looked disappointed in her "you know a 'movie night'" he made dramatic air quotes with his ringed fingers "wouldn't have done that. People sitting, sweating at each other and staring into a square.." he slowly shock his head "I prefer this!" he pointed at two pink coloured peacock who we're just running into the bathroom.

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