Chapter 1 - Happy Anniversary

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Chapter 1 - Happy Anniversary   

"Happy anniversary," I said. The tall girl with honey-blonde hair and light blue eyes had just gotten out of the shower and stood there to be observed. Her skin was fair and smooth. Her nose and cheeks were dotted with a small accent of freckles. Her body was okay, toned from daily runs and good eating. Not much in the way of boobs, though. "Not too bad," I thought. "Not the prettiest I've seen, but I could have done worse."

She had mouthed my greeting silently along with me. Reflections do that.

    It had been three years since I stood on stage, bawling in my sister's arms, because somehow I got the idea that it would be easier to come out to everyone, all at once.

    My grand gesture announcing to all the world that I, Analee Jennings, was attracted to girls...didn't have as much fallout as I thought it would. Things were weird around our house for a couple of weeks as awkward conversations were had, but that was about it.  

Mom: Aren't you too young to make a decision like this?

Me: How old were you when you decided to like boys?

Mom: That's different, Honey. Girls are supposed to like boys.

Me: So, you decided to like boys because you were told you were supposed to?

Mom: No, I just did!

Me: (making a point) So, it's not something we decide, then?

Mom: Analee! You're twisting my words.

* * *

Dad: Analee, um...nice poem.

Me: Thank you.

Dad: I, uh, have no idea what to say when it comes time for "the talk" now.

Me: That's okay. That's what the internet is for.

Dad: (looks panicked)

Me: Just kidding! (Not really.)

* * *

Grandpa: So, do you think you're a boy?

Me: No, Grandpa! Seriously?

Grandpa: I just wondered. Seems like there's a lot of that going on these days.

Me: Well, not with me! Jesus, grandpa. I'm a girl!

Grandpa: Well I know that. I just don't know If I could bring myself to call you "he."

Me: That's, like, a whole different thing. That's being trans. It's different than being gay.

Grandpa: (Looking like he wants to ask a question) So, at school, what bathroom do you-

Me: I think I hear grandma calling me.

* * *

Grandma: Don't you think you just might meet some nice young man someday that will change your mind about boys?  

Me: Maybe. I guess I could be bi. So far I just like girls, though.

Grandma: No, I mean...make you not like girls that way.  

Me: Hah! That'd be like finding a brussel sprout so good that I don't like ice cream any more.

Grandma: Have you, um, had a girlfriend yet, Analee?

Me: No.

Grandma: Oh good. So you don't really know then.

Me: Grandma, that's not how it works. When I see a pretty girl, I'm like-

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