Chapter 12 - Hard Labor

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Chapter 12 - Hard Labor

The ride home was great. I was relaxed, well fed, well rested, it was a beautiful day, and I was on a motorcycle, slowly cruising down the road feeling the warm wind on me. Even better, all the negative tension between Kelly and me, and the nervous tension of having Tara setting me up with a stranger, had disappeared. It was replaced with new, delicious tension. How would Kelly react if I asked her out?

I assumed she was still interested. It was just yesterday that she asked me if we could hang out sometime. Could she have had a change of heart since then? Maybe she would feel like I was jerking her around too much, and I wasn't worth it. Still, I felt pretty sure she would say yes to a date. By the time I pulled into our garage and wedged my bike next to my jeep, I had convinced myself to do it.

When I went inside, I found I was alone. I texted Kristy.

Me: Where are you guys?

Kristy: Shopping. About time you're home. Fun night?

Me: So amazing! Are mom and dad planning a family thing for Labor Day tomorrow? I want to know if it's okay to make plans.

Kristy: Talked them into asking families over for cookout. So far Pixie's, DJ's. Kelly's coming too.

Me: Awesome! That's perfect.

Kristy: Y?

Me: Just because. ;) Talk to you later.

That was great! I would have a whole day to get Kelly alone. The more I thought about it, the more giddy nervousness I felt. I knew I was being ridiculous, but I actually practiced out loud what I would say to her while I got changed and took a quick run.

"Sup Beautiful? How about you and me grab some alone time next weekend?" Too creepy.

"Hey Kelly, do you want to go out with me?" Too middle school.

"You, me, dinner and a movie next Saturday. Be ready by five." Too aggressive.

I decided I would just let it come naturally. I had visions of her bouncing up to me tomorrow with that amazing smile, us striking up a conversation thick with subtext, and me finally confessing that I wanted to take her out next weekend. Of course, the daydream ended with her being super excited and a first week of school full of anticipation for our date.

The rest of the day was taken up with stocking coolers full of drinks, getting bags of ice into the downstairs freezer, putting away groceries, making potato salads, desserts, etc.

I thought maybe before bed I could get Kristy alone and make sure she really was okay with me asking out one of her friends, but somehow we never seemed to cross paths without the parents around. In fact, she never seemed to make eye contact with me. Later, I ended up passing out as soon as I relaxed on my bed for a few minutes. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw that Kristy's light was off, so I brushed my teeth, got into pajamas, and went back to bed. I imagined myself cuddling with Kelly like I had with Kala, and feeling really rather dorky about it.

Thinking about Kala made me wonder if she had anyone to hang out with on Labor Day, so I shot her a quick text telling her she should come to the party if she wasn't doing anything, and giving her our address. Finally, I drifted back to sleep.

* * *

I answered the door around ten o'clock and saw Kelly standing there in a super cute mini-skirt and sleeveless top that made her look like a cheerleader. My chest did something funny when I saw her in that outfit. She was already beautiful, and I've always had a thing for cheerleaders. Put the two together...

The Gods of Song and PoetryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora