Chapter 22 - Renaissance

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Chapter 22 - Renaissance

"Hickeys!?" Kristy bellowed.

Let me back up.

* * *

Kelly and I finished our date on Sunday shortly after our slightly unhealthy declaration of co-possessiveness. Monday was a school day, after all, and Kelly's grandparents wanted her back early.

From that point on we sent each other goodnight texts, good morning texts, how do you like my outfit Snapchats, etc., etc. We played it totally cool at school, and we rarely had private moments during the week, so electronic communication was our go-to means of interacting.

On Monday, as I was sitting in Mr. Parker's class listening to the tenth graders discuss their readings in groups, I found myself staring at Kelly. Without thinking, I started rubbing my neck through my shirt where my hickey was. Kelly looked at me, rubbed her chest, and smiled.

'I'm yours, and you are mine,' we were saying silently. And so our week went. We hid our relationship perfectly.

Thursday was chosen as the day to have Kelly over for dinner. I was excited at first. Kelly was, too. As the day grew closer, though, we both grew more anxious about it. By Thursday night, I was a wreck on the inside. As I was getting ready, Kristy was hovering over me, talking me through my anxiety.

"You have nothing to worry about, Ani. They already know Kelly, and they like her." She was standing behind me checking my work as I curled my hair.

"They know Kelly as your friend, not as my girlfriend. That changes things."

"Girlfriend? You've only known her for a month. You don't want to freak her out with talk like that, do you?"

"Actually, when we hung out on Sunday we talked and decided it was silly not to call it what it is. Neither one of us plans to date anyone else. Plus, we're both apparently a wee bit possessive. After we gave each other hickeys, we just gave in and started calling each other 'girlfriend'."

"Hickeys!?" Kristy bellowed. "Analee Meaghan! Didn't you pay attention when that SADD speaker gave us the talk about toxic couples and how they always want to control and claim each other like property? Hickeys are a way of marking your territory, not a sign of affection!"

"Okay Kristy, first, shouldn't Kelly and I get to decide what things mean as a couple? Secondly, it's hard to think of it as claiming each other when our relationship is still a big secret. It's not like we could show them off. Thirdly...okay, it's a little unhealthy, and we even called it marking each other, but she doesn't say a word when I hang out with the twenty year old who looks like a Playboy centerfold, and whom I was cuddling with naked. That shows trust and a lack of being controlling. In a way, I think Kelly might be compensating. She's afraid it bothers me that she isn't coming out. A label makes her feel more secure."

I could see Kristy in the mirror giving the back of my head a long, worried look. "Okay. If you're sure. I want my sister in a healthy relationship."

I unplugged the iron and turned to her. "Me too, Sis. I love you. Thank you for watching out for me."

I gave her a sis hug and a peck on the forehead just as the doorbell rang.

We bolted downstairs, but failed to beat my parents to the door. They opened it and saw Kelly and her grandparents standing on our little front porch.

"Tony, Annie, good to see you," my dad said. "We didn't know Kristy was expecting a friend. Come on inside."

Nurse Annie and Tony squinted and looked at each other questioningly. Kelly looked like she was wishing she was invisible. This was my fault for not telling my parents ahead of time. It was on me to say something.

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