Everyone Reacts Differently

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I lunge for Zalgo's door. Not only did he turn everyone to babies. Groodie. BUT he continues to steal my cleaning and cooking supplies. He uses them for his little 'projects'. What is he five years old?

"They are just cleaning supplies."

Jill giggles. I turn to her and scream in her face. Then I calmly say.

"It's fine, no it's fine."

"You want a mint?"

"Fuck you!"

I scream at Jill pointing at her face. She is unfazed but seems to be woried for me.

"Did someone say fuck?"

I turn and scream at BEN. He flinches back and floats away.

"I hate you!"

I run after him grabbing things off the walls and frisbee-ing at him. I grab a water bottle and he starts screaming now.


Someone smacks my face and I fly to the side looking at Offender. He is pulling up his sleeves. I think I actually just ran into his arm.

"Get out."

"Shut up!"

"Get out of the mansion."

"You get out of my pants you fucker!"

"Go on a walk Rose!"


He grabs my wrist dragging me down the stairs. I leave a string of curses behind me. I smack his arm with everything I can grab.

He throws open the front door and yanks me up. I struggle and thrash  kicking, and punching.

"Go on a fucking walk!"

"Get off of me you pissant!"

I hiss at him. He threw me over the concrete stairs onto the dirt and gravel path. I groan as I glare up at the now slammed door. I curse at the door.

I grab rocks and throw them at the house. I scream loudly for a long time. I soon feel tired and irritated. I start walking, mumbling to myself.

After thirty minutes of walking I realize that I am a piece of shit. If you spend too much time with the Creepypasta's you can go crazy. I have a pretty high tolerance for things. APPARENTLY not today.

I walk back around to the mansion and see Zalgo standing in the front. With what looks to be one of those cartoon TNT boxes.

"Meep! MEEP!"


He looked at me confused as I charged him and tackled him. I probably looked like a boar charging him. He smacks me with a branch.

"Disgusting human! Get off of me!"

"You aren't going to blow up the mansion! GRINNY AND SMILES ARE STILL IN THERE!"

"I wasn't going to blow it up!"

He kicks me in the gut. Ugh shiver me timbers that hurt.

"Why aren't you ever around to get the punishments I'mdishing out."

"Because I am fly as hell now give me the box."

He pushes down the handle, the house has a grey cloud in there. Looks likes smoke but isn't.

"But then again this may be punishment enough."

"Why do you do this?"

"Slender and I have had a dispute and I am returning back home. I don't plan on coming back."

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