Little Bit

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"I personally think that the stain has lightened!"

I have had a slow day, making up beds, collecting laundry, watching Disney movies. I have been at this stain on this little table, in the back of the mansion  down the hallway from my room, for about two hours. My muscles have some nice definition.

"I think so too!"

Smiles banters cheerfully around me. Grinny yawns as she kneeds the empty supply box. Of course she is sitting in it. She is a cat!

"I think you two are delusional."

"Well I think hermi hermi blah!"

I mock her and she flicks her tail at me and frowns.

"Well I guess we can't call your Grinny! Might as well call you Frowny."

"I will bite off every single one of your toes and force you to bite the nails."

I contort my face. Now that was creatively disgusting and I don't ever want to picture that again.


Smiles yells at Grinny, or, ahem! Frowny. He chases her off. I shake my head and snicker as I clean up my supplies I see Masky running down the hall without his mask. Wow he is fast. And not slowing down....

He slams into me sending cleaning supplies flying everywhere. He send me backwards so my back popped like firecrackers.

He lay's there panicked and then looked at me and hugged me.

"Hey, it's okay I'm alright, you good?"

"I don't know what's going on!"

He sounds to almost be crying. Ah, okay then. I hug him to me and hum.

"It's okay honey. What's wrong, you can talk to me. What do you want to be called?"


I smile sweetly.

"Okay Tim come sit in my room and relax maybe take a nap-"

"NO! They-they will find me."

I smile and walk him to my room. I walk him inside to my bed.

"This room is guarded from evil. Nothing bad can get in and nothing bad can get out."

"What about the window!?"

Oh, yeah. Screw you Tobias.

"It wouldn't open but now it is okay."

He nods and relaxes on the bed.

"I have some things to finish cleaning, you may fetch me when you feel better."

He doesn't respond. I nod and clean up the supplies and put everything back up.

I walk down to the kitchen to see Offender in their with a chef hat on making brownies.

"What are you doing in my kitchen  Rattatouille?"

He turns to me with that large toothy grin. Blah. I feel my stitches shiver. Yes I look like crap and I feel like crap but I won't act like I feel like crap! Because then I really will be crap.

"I am making something delicious."

I look at the brownies they seem under cooked.

"Yeah, um, no. Those look like cat shit."

"Yeah well, your eye is the color of an eggplant."

"HEY! Don't make it personal."

I cross my arms as I watch him do whatever he is doing. I get bored and make some quesadillas. I put my nose plugs in and cook one with raw pig. It stinks. I open a window and hold the pig in the cheesy blanket to him. He smiles and takes a bite while I am holding it. You know, like a dick.

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