Sneak Peek Into Next Book

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How Long- The Demon Lyubvi

I gave the eggs one last flip. I set them on the wooden tray's plate full of breakfast foods. I chew on a few blueberries and spit the seeds into the sink. I turn off the stove and grip the tray in my hands venturing upstairs.

A girl in a flurry of brown and black tries to rush past me.

"Uh-nuh where you going?"


"On a Saturday?"

She laughs nervously.

"I am meeting up with my friends to chase an old ghost story, the story of The Demon Lyubvi. It's supposed to haunt the Glass forest."

I raise a brow.

"I don't like you getting involved in things you don't understand." She contorts her face.

"You're not my boss Lizzie. I am fourteen and I am practically an adult now."

I shake my head, and focus my attention to her attire.

"You can go, but you need to put on a skirt that goes to at least your mid thigh."

She groaned and went into her room slamming the door. I roll my eyes and open the door to my right. It is a dark room. The curtain glows orange from the sunlight.

"Morning Dale."

"Morning Lizzie, do I smell cholesterol?"

"A whole lot of it."

He claps to me. I set the tray on the dresser to my left and open up the curtain then the window. A slight breeze hits my face.

I turn on the TV and place the cup of water next to the picture of Cassandra. I set the tray in the old man's lap. He smiles.

"Lucy brought the mail to me this morning, I see you have multiple job offers right now. A maid in a mansion. An assistant for a doctor. An at home writer-"

"Freelance writing. I'm already doing that along with the bar. I just wanted something a little more normal."

He hums and glances up at me with his carmel colored eyes. The newspaper crinkles in his hands.

"I won't be able to keep you huh?"

"Afraid not."

I smile and he mirrors it with a sigh. He hates talking about me leaving. After he gets better, I will go to college in Germany and live on my own. He raised me, I guess it can be difficult. I hear the floorboards creak outside of the room. I open the door the see her in a tube top and pants trying to sneak by.


"Looks better, say bye to Dale."

She grunts and rolls her eyes, but smiles as she sees the old man in the bed. She hugs him and hugs me goodbye.

"Text me if you need anything, okay?"

"Yeah, bye!"

She couldn't have gone fast enough unless I said there was a spider.

"I need to go too, bye Dale." I kiss his bald head and wave to him as I slide out of the room. I get into my old truck and force the engine on. It takes a few tries until it sputters awake.

"Let's go baby."

I drive down the highway passing the park. Kids are hanging all around it, laughing joyfully. I smile and screech to a stop. The motorcyclist in front of me flips me off.

I raise my hands in apology. They turn around and zoom away. I go the opposite way. I put on my sunglasses as I drive next to the lake. Couples walk along side it and laugh to themselves. I am a sucker for a happy ending, I am a huge romantic. I believe in soulmates. Maybe that is why I read and get caught up in my head.

I live in a small to average town near Ufa. We have trees all around us and we are centered around this huge lake. It is a very clean and quaint place to live. The Americans love it here, the only problem is at night we have some of the most notorious murderers. Some copy cats for Jack the Ripper. Liu and Jeff the Killer. Eyeless Jack. Laughing Jack. And the The Demon Lyubvi. Or Demon of Love, which is worse than it sounds.

They are all just dumb people, or ghost stories. I have seen the real monsters and they look like everyone else. Humans are the worst monsters.

I park outside of the local newspaper joint. I need to get a job outside of the town, but I need relations. I take a deep breath in and walk in.

Six hours later I end up in my truck, no new jobs. No new anything. I groan and hit my head on my steering wheel. I accidentally honk the horn. I jump as do a few passersby.

I put my hands up apologetically. I sit back in my chair and enjoy the sun on my face. A tapping sound on my window causes me to jump. It is a boy with fair hair and a clear completion. He would be cute if he wasn't so short.

I slide into the passenger seat to roll the window down a little bit.

"Can I help you?"

"There is no loitering here, you need to leave."

"Right, yeah. Sorry about that."

I slide back into my seat and the short young man furrows her brow at me.

"What's on the back of your hand?"

I pull my sleeve down a little bit.

"Just a few scars. I'm sorry for loitering, I'll be on my way."

It takes a minute as my engine revs. I turn my truck around and drive along side the lake and drive back home to get dressed for my job as a bar wench.

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