Part 14

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After sitting and reading for a while, I hear footsteps from around the corner and Princess Charlotte appears.

She seems surprised to see me. Smiling softly.

I go to curtsey but she stops me.

"Don't worry about formalities, Isabelle. It's fine."

"What brings you here, your highness?"

"I could ask you the same thing." She says with a bit of a laugh, "But I like to sit in the peace and quite for a bit and this is my favourite spot. I couldn't stand that lunch. Those girls, Olive and Lexi are the worst. All they talk about is themselves and my brother is soaking it up. He's already arranged dates with all of them in the next week" Charlotte says, resting her head in her palms to over exaggerate her point.

I roll my eyes knowingly, "I can't stand Lexi either, and Olive only ever talks about herself."

She laughs along with me, pulling out a chair to be beside mine before she sits down.

"But, I'll have you know my brother did mention he didn't have free time tonight since he'd already spoken to you about a date."

"Yes, he did ask to spend some time together."

"Exciting. I feel better knowing my brothers spending time with people like you rather than Lexi and Olive."

That makes me laugh.

And so I sit with the princess and we chat about all things selection related.


Dinner is uneventful, apart from Genevieve and Prince Thomas both being absent. Rumours of her date were spreading as she was sighted out in the gardens dining under a tent on the lawn where a dinner set up for them had been made.

I wasn't worried about anyone else though because I was just stressing about my date with him later. I ate my dinner quickly before hurrying off to my room to freshen up. I called Riley in and she assisted me with an evening gown.

It was a white dress, silk from the waist down and a fabric lace on the top half. It was sleeve less but had two small lace pieces that joined around each arm.

I dressed in some cream slip on shoes and Riley unpinned my hair so it flowed in light brown waves over my shoulders.
I tucked a white flower in my hair behind my ear.

"Thank you Riley, for your help." I say to my maid who gives me a kind smile and curtsey before leaving the room.

I sit by my mirror for a few minutes on my phone until I hear a knock come at the door.

I pause, taking a breath before I go to open it.

I brush down my dress and my hair once more as I turn the door handle and open to the face of Prince Thomas.

As usual, he is dressed smartly in a traditional black suit and white shirt.

"Miss Isabelle, you look lovely tonight." The prince says, looking a little bashful as I notice he brushes the back of his neck with his hand, "Wow."

"Thank you, your highness." I give a curtsey, as is polite, before stepping out into the corridor and closing the door to my room.

"I trust you're settling in well here." Prince Thomas says, extending an arm out to me, "Is everything to your liking?"

I link my arm through his and I feel like simply walking together is a more intimate thing one on one. I also can't help but notice that he has a strong set of arms under that suit coat.

I nod, "It's all very nice here. Thank you."

"I thought we could go watch a movie," Thomas started, looking down slightly to meet my eye since he was taller than me, "Unless that's not okay with you."

"No that's fine. As long as I approve of whatever you put on. I don't want to be watching any horror movies." I say, tossing a serious look back at him.

"Fine by me. You can chose whatever you'd like. How was your dinner?"

"Lovely food. How was your dinner?"

The prince seemed a little hesitant, and I'm surprised he answered my question at all about his date, "It was..interesting."

I nod, not sure in what way it was interesting. He didn't seem to be that happy about it though.

By this point we had made it to first floor where we passed the bowling alley on the way to the movie theatre.

"Here we are."

Prince Thomas led me into the dark room, which he flicked on the light so we could see the massive screen and large couch covered in blankets and pillows.

I take off my shoes before climbing onto the couch and pulling a blanket over myself, and the prince follows suit. It was certainly comfortable, so much so that I could fall asleep in these blankets.

The prince grabs the remote, some popcorn and sits down beside me.

"Oh, your flower." Prince Thomas picks up the white flower that had fallen from my hair onto the blanket. He reaches up and tucks it back behind my ear, gently placing it from where it fell.

I have to duck my head a little to hide the blush that heats my face, feeling overwhelmed by the innocent touch. He did seem like a gentleman.

Thomas focuses his attention back to the tv where he flicks through a whole lot of movies. We decide on a rom com, which was mainly my idea, and since Thomas was being polite he just agreed to whatever I said.

"You did well in the archery today, have you done it before?" Thomas asks, passing me the popcorn bucket.

"I have actually. A few times." I say, glad to have the compliment.

"Your quite talented. I suppose it's good to have some sense of mystery," Prince Thomas laughs, "Just like that photo with my sister this morning. I do wonder how you'd met her already."

I smile at the thought, "She seems to have become a friend of mine after running into her. She's lovely."

"She can be quite picky. However she does seem fond of you." Thomas says quietly, the movie already starting.

I decide that was meant to be a compliment, that I'd earned his sisters friendship. The conversation ended there as the film began, but I find myself looking over at the prince quite a few times during.

And every time he looks at me I feel a blush creep onto my cheeks. At least it was dark because I hate that my face gives me away when the attentions on me. I go beat red every time.

When the main characters in the film kiss I feel a little awkward but the prince just tries to chat through the awkward bits.
"Are you alright Bells?"


"Want anymore popcorn?"

The prince gets up anyway before I can reply to get more. When he sits back down with the snacks it seems like he'd moved closer to me.

I focus back on the screen and munch on some popcorn.

We continue to watch the predictable rom com curled up together in the dark room of the movie theatre.

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