Part 27

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Once the prince returned to speak with Penny I was asked to leave the room, so I made my way back to the day room.

As I entered I saw all the other girls sat awaiting information, chatting in groups of staring off as in their thoughts. Everyone was still waiting to find out what happened.

A lot of heads turned as I came in the door, girls jumping up from their seats to hear any news.

"Where's Penny?" Freya asked, a look of distress across her face as she flung herself off the couch.
I knew Freya had formed a good friendship with Penny, but now her worry had her running her hands anxiously through her red hair.

I shake my head, "I don't know where she is now or what they've decided to do about it." I sigh and take a breath before continuing, "But she did steal the jewels."

A few gasps from the girls went around the room and I did see a few knowing smirks.
"Is she being sent home?" Harriet asked, moving to stand beside me.

"I don't know, but she was really upset and the Prince sent me away to talk to her." I explained to the crowd of girls waiting for gossip.

Freya looked like she was about to punch a hole in the wall, or scream, or just burst into tears.
"This isn't fair! She would never!" Freya demanded, getting defensive for her friend.

I put my hands up, "I had no say in it Freya, but they have security footage and she did tell me she took those things. I just don't know what is going to happen to her now."

We all stood in silence, making of the situation what we could, while we all thought about what had happened.
I don't know if Penny was being honest about her motives, because surely she knew better, but I hoped I could trust she was sorry.

I didn't want to start questioning these girls honesty, because then we'd all make enemies out of one another.

But soon my question was answered as Prince Thomas, the Princess, the King and Queen all came through the doors.

Penny was no where in sight.

"Ladies, please listen up." The prince said, clearing his throat, and by the look on his face I knew what had happened.

"In light of recent events," The prince began as all eyes fell on him, his gaze flickering to me for a mere second, "Selected girl, Penny Heart, has been sent home and removed from the competition."

Freya was crying now, seconds away from storming out, but the queen started to speak.

"Use this as a warning, taking anything without permission from the palace is not allowed, especially if it's not yours. Miss Heart has gotten off lightly, and let this be a lesson to you all, theft is a serious crime." Queen Kate said firmly as she looked into the crowd of selected girls.

It was a frighteningly serious gaze from the queen, an authoritative side I hadn't experienced so far during my time here.

The first elimination of the selection was technically decided for by Pennys actions. And just like that the number of selected girls was down to 19.

"If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask." The King begins, "Also remember that from now on, as the 2 weeks of compulsory stay is up, my son is able to let people go. So make better choices than Miss Heart today."

I heard the Queen whisper, "Come on honey." To her daughter and together the three of the royals left while Prince Thomas stayed with us selected girls.

Freya bolted over to the prince before he could leave and grabbed him by the jacket, shaking him as she cried.

"Why? Why did you do this? How dare you! She was innocent." Freya screamed, balling her eyes out for everyone to see. Her hair was a mess and her makeup was smudged.

It seemed the dismissal of her best friend here was taking its toll.

"Look I understand you two were close but-" Prince Thomas started, putting his hands on her shoulders in attempt to comfort her, but she cut him off.

"No! I don't want to be here anymore. You didn't even let her say goodbye! How dare you! I'm leaving, send me back home too." Freya said angrily before bolting from the room.

And we were down to 18.


The next day you could tell the atmosphere between the girls was different. No one felt like being friendly, since they didn't want to get attached like Freya to Penny.

I felt that with Harriet, we had only said a brief greeting before things went silent, and the air was thick with tension.

I sat in the day room with all the other girls, some watching tv or reading a magazine or book.

I sat with Riley's sketchbook, flipping through her design ideas for my winter festival dress.

Again, it was never certain when the prince was going to send girls home. The only good thing about yesterdays drama was that Penny and Freya eliminated themselves first, taking the job away from the prince.

But since the Queen invited me to play at the Winter Festival already, I knew I had to stick around until then.

So far my relationship with the prince seemed good, but it was hard to tell what he was like with the other selected. We never truely knew what was going on behind closed doors as he went on all these dates.

Looking back to the sketchbook in front of me, I tried to focus on something positive. Riley's ideas were amazing, and she had so many. Detailed sketches with different patterns of blue, silver and white in wintery themes.

I glanced up from the designs to see Harriet who was busy finishing off her letter to her parents. She really adamant about writing in detail.

I had already handed my letter off to be posted, but I had called my mum to tell her it was being delivered and that I was having a good time.
Of course Isla had a lot of questions but I just promised to tell her everything the next time I see her. I'm sure the selection wouldn't go on too long now that eliminations have started.

Hearing Elizabeth's voice over the phone call, one I hadn't heard in over two weeks, made me nearly want to cry. I was really missing my older sister right about now.

But they were still over the other side of the world and I couldn't go and visit easily.

I don't know how long I would be staying, but if I made it past the winter festival at the beginning of the winter season then it would quickly be in the lead up to Christmas.

A Christmas without my family.

I was snapped from my thoughts as I heard a commotion over at the table across from us.
I looked up to see Olive had dropped her book loudly in front of Lexi on the table.

The loud thump of the hard cover novel had attracted the attention from most of the room if they weren't already watching.

Olive flicked back her long dark hair to show more of her tanned skin, putting her hands on her hips as she looked sternly to Lexi.

Lexi sat looking unimpressed, an expression of distaste across her face.
Her black hair was perfectly straightened down her back, not a single hair out of place. Lexi sat in front of where Olive stood and had her arms folded over the flower pattern on her new green palm tree jumpsuit.

"Don't you dare try me Lexi." Olive spat distastefully at the girl.

Lexi huffed, "Yeah right I didn't say anything."

Lexi turned away which made Olive more furious.

"I would watch your mouth, one day someone will catch you." Olive said, before turning on her heel and exiting the room.

Lexi groaned and mumbled something under her breath. Maybe she was saying nasty things.

But it was Olive's word against Lexi's.

And honestly, Lexi did give off that vibe, the one who would spread nasty rumours and say god awful things about the other girls.
It was the look in her eyes, or maybe her murky green lipstick, that made her appear so cunning.

Harriet and I shared a glance after the girls interaction, but minded our own business as we went back to what we were doing.

And I had to tell Riley of my decision on the dress.

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