Part 23

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Arriving at the Ballroom, the clock just ticking past 10, I drifted in with other selected girls and guests. We were all similarly dressed in gowns and jewellery, dripping in sparkles from head to toe.
The ballroom was large and many of the walls were mirrored and the floors polished smooth.
A fancy looking, live ensemble plays classical music in the background as we all come in.
The band played using a variety of instruments including flutes, guitars and violins.

Camera crews again were filming our entrances and the reactions of the royals as we entered, panning to get the view of the space.

Tables along one side of the room are sprawled with chocolates and slithers of deserts that are laid out magnificently.
Maids wander around and offers drinks to the guests, so I take one of the fruity drinks.

It's in a cocktail glass, a bright pink liquid, and I was assuming alcohol free. The little umbrella sitting on the edge of the glass floated around my drink.
I took a sip, immediately feeling the blast of sugar hit my tongue. Definitely not my kind of drink.

The Ruby girls, Gen, Ellie, Lola, Hadley and Daisy were doing a good job hosting so far and showing the royals their setup for their event. The ensemble was a good idea, everyone seemed to be hopping along while they socialised.

"Ok, everyone, clear the dance floor for our first dance of the night." Hadley said out from one end of the room, guiding people to the outskirts of the ballroom to leave room on the dance floor.

I put down my drink along with many others similar on a spare area of table to join in the dance.

As the music starts, a slow song that means slow dancing, people start to partner up.

The king and queen laugh and join hands with their guests as they make way to the centre of the room.

Daisy takes Prince Thomas's hand, smiling as he's gazing into her eyes.
Genevieve, demanding attention, pulls Archie to dance with her, which he doesn't seem one bit dissapointed about, a smug look across his face.

Harriet snapped Charlotte up quickly, dragging her out onto the floor and I saw most of the other selected girls were paired up. Olive and Lexi, Penny and Freya and Stella with Yasmin.

"Miss Isabelle, care to dance?"

I turn to see the cousin of Prince Thomas, Prince Edward, extending his hand to me.

I smile at him, accepting his offer by placing my hand in his.
"Of course your highness." I say and he gives me a polite smile, his teeth pearly white.

He does seem to be polite, unlike his brother. Despite him being younger than me he was still quite a bit taller.

Prince Edward looked quite different from his brother, brownish hair, only a lighter tint of orange.
He guides me to the dance floor and gently puts my hand onto his shoulder, taking my other in his.
We seem to move well to the music, avoiding stepping on any toes.

Lexi seemed frustrated since Olive wasn't a good dancer, and you could hear her wining as she flicked her black hair over her shoulder and hit Olive in the face with it.

"You're a pretty good dancer." I say to Prince Edward and he smiles proudly.

"Thank you, I could say the same to you. Although, I have had training on this kind of thing, every prince needs to know how to dance with a girl." Edward explained, taking the opportunity to spin me out slightly, then back in.

"Of course, whereas I just have natural talent." Joking to him as I use a smug voice, earning a chuckle in return.

Prince Edward quickly stepped us off to one side and I realised why when I saw Prince Thomas and Daisy go twirling past about to bowl us over. Daisy was giggling happily as Thomas seemed to be swooning over her dancing.

"That was a close one." I say to Edward with a grateful look and he nods.

"Very." He says in agreement and continues to sway to the soft music that hums from the violins and flutes being played.

"I like your suit. The colour matches your eyes." I say, referring to the deep blue on his jacket.

Prince Edward smiles, "Thank you." I notice the tiniest spot of pink forming on the tips of his ears at the compliment. "It does become rather uncomfortable to wear though after a day in one."

I smile, "Well at least you don't have to spend your days in ball gowns. I haven't worn a pair of pants in 2 weeks."

"I suppose the selection attire would only be a temporary issue anyway." The song slows and Prince Edward puts both of his hand on my waist to move us to the beat.
I casually wrap my hands around his neck and fidget as I talk.

"I know, we've been warned of upcoming eliminations. And I'm scared to say I think people will start to turn on each other once Prince Thomas starts sending people home." I say, eyeing the pairs of happy girls around the room, smiling at each other as they dance.

The music begins to die off and people start to split up again, "Thank you for this dance Miss Isabelle, I hope to talk to you again soon." The prince and I step away from each other.

"Likewise Prince Edward, it's been a pleasure." I give him a curtsey as he bows politely.

We are instructed to find a new partner so I search the crowd for Harriet, but she Lola has already grabbed her attention.

"Isabelle." I hear a voice say softly and I turn to face the person.

It was Alex and she was extending a hand to dance.
I take her hand with a smile and we both laugh, twirling around onto the dance floor.

"Alex, I love your dress." I say, gesturing to the peach gown that cascades down in layers of fabric, kissing the floor gently.

"Thank you Isabelle, your gown is very nice too." She says, pushing her glasses up slightly to keep the perched on her nose, referring to my silver and blue gown that sparkles in the lights.

We dance and dance happily, switching partners each turn so I danced with Harriet, Princess Charlotte, Hadley and Indiana before we were required to go to the next activity.

We all shuffled out of the ballroom and I laughed as Remy snuck a chocolate into her mouth on the way out.
She laughed and told me not to tell anyone about it, so I laughed too.

The Queen Kate introduced the next group, Emerald, who would be hosting our lunch.

The Emerald girls, Penny, Olive, Lexi, Jade and Amelia all lead the way as they take us out of the ballroom and down to the dining room.

I noticed they all had their hair lose over their shoulders, curled, and had green leaves of what looked like a fake ivy crowns woven to sit on the top of their hair.
How did I not see that before? I must have been too focused dancing I guess.

"We invite you all to a wonderful 3 course lunch and dining experience. We encourage getting to know the people around you as we have assigned you all seating." Jade said to the crowd kindly, as she stood in front of the closed doors of the dining room.

Lexi gave a dashing smile and without waiting threw the doors open.

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