Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Preston was the first one awake the next morning and he wasn't surprised. Xavier snored like a buffalo. He was surprised to find his glasses and book both neatly lying next to him. Hadn't he fallen asleep reading?

Preston put his glasses on and glanced at Xavier. The man didn't look nearly as hostile while he was sleeping. He seemed softer, less on guard, but just as handsome. Shaking his head, Preston turned his attention to the embers still glowing from their fire. He didn't need to worry about what Xavier looked like—it was clear the man hated him.

But Preston was stuck with him until they reached the town they were heading toward—and he needed his help. Preston really was out of his element out here. He'd never had a real good sense of direction.

Adding more wood to the fire and stoking it up until flames were once again rolling, Preston put some coffee on to boil and began reheating the beans left from their supper. He'd show Xavier that he was good for something, at least.

Preston rose to his feet and headed for the creek. He needed to relieve himself and he was eager to watch the sunrise. Finding out you could die at any moment had a way of making a person want to enjoy the little things a bit more. Sunrises and sunsets took on a whole new meaning.

After seeing to nature's call, Preston stood beside the slow moving creek and watched the sky changing colors. He was lost in his thoughts when he suddenly felt the presence of another body close to his.

"I suppose you find sunrises pretty too?"

Preston swallowed hard. Damn Xavier was close. The man was standing behind him and Preston could feel the heat off his body. Why was he so close?

Preston didn't respond. How could he when he was struggling not to swallow his own tongue? Xavier's nearness caused an awareness to shoot through his body that caused his legs to tremble.

Silence reigned as the sun continued its slow rise in the sky. Slowly, Preston felt Xavier move away. "I reckon it was nice enough. Now let's get back to camp and eat so we can be heading out."

Preston turned slowly and realized that Xavier was already walking away. Taking a moment to steady his shaking legs, Preston followed after him. They sat down and Xavier filled a plate with beans and held it out for Preston.

Preston frowned and took it. Then Xavier filled a cup with coffee and held it out for Preston as well. As Preston took the offered cup, he wondered what the hell was going on. Had he fallen asleep and woken up on the moon? Why was Xavier being nice? Why had he stood so close?

Xavier's green eyes studied him as the man took a sip of steaming coffee. "How'd you sleep?"

Preston choked on the beans he'd just shoved in his mouth. After ensuring he wasn't going die of bean inhalation, he shoved his glasses up his nose and shrugged. "Good. But you snore."

Those green eyes widened a bit. "I do not."

"You do. Like a buffalo."

Preston barely held back laughter at the snort of indignation that left Xavier's mouth. "Well, you're welcome to make your own damn camp away from me and my buffalo snores."

Preston shook his head, grinning over his own cup of coffee. "I'll just stuff some cotton in my ears tonight."

Then Preston watched on as the most miraculous thing happened. Xavier's firm mouth curved into a smile, placing dimples in his stubble-covered cheeks and completely stealing Preston's breath.

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant