Chapter Eighteen

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Chapter Eighteen

Three days had passed since Preston had admitted to Xavier the truth about his sickness. Three long days. And in that time, one of Preston's worst fears had become realized. Xavier was treating him differently.

First there was the walking on eggshells around him. Then there was babying him—hell they hadn't done any more self-defense lessons and Preston hadn't been cursed at in days. Xavier insisted on waiting on him hand and food which made Preston bristle—he didn't like being treated as if he were helpless. But the biggest, and most annoying difference, was that there was no more nibbling at Preston's neck, no more attacking him with hunger, no more calloused hands lighting his body on fire.

Preston was miserable.

Today they had closed up their camp and Xavier was starting their journey to High Rock Falls. He said it would take a good five or six days to reach. Preston wasn't real excited about going to see this healer lady. He didn't want to get his hopes up that he could be cured—hope was painful. He supposed Xavier would have to learn that the hard way.

Preston rode along beside Xavier, hating the tense silence between them. It was nearing the evening and he wondered when Xavier would call a stop for the day. He didn't have to wonder for long.

"We'll stop here for the night."

Preston looked around their soon to be camp. No trees, no stream, but there was a small hill that seemed a nice place to sit and look at the sky. Preston slid from his horse and laid the reins over a bush beside them. He was about to remove the saddle when Xavier was suddenly there.

"You go on and have a seat up there on the hill. I'll tend to the horses and make camp."

Preston bristled. He'd had enough. He nudged Xavier out of the way. "What happened to me needing to pull my own damn weight?"

Xavier seemed stunned a moment. Preston saw the flash of temper enter the man's light green eyes. Finally! Finally, Xavier was going to do something other than baby him!

But Xavier's voice was gentle when he spoke. "Just go relax, Preston. I'll take care of everything. You need to take it easy."

Preston threw his hands up. "If I take it any easier, I'll be a big lump of nothin'," he mumbled as he stormed away for the hill.

He sat down, pulled his knees into his chest and wrapped his arms around them as he stared at the horizon and the sun that was sinking lower. So much for living life until he died—at this rate he was just going to be coddled and babied until the end of his days.

That wasn't what he wanted! He wanted to keep learning to fight. He wanted Xavier to be gruff and bossy. He wanted passion. He wanted things to go back to how they were before.

Preston became lost in thought as he stared over the horizon. Only when Xavier came to sit beside him was Preston brought out of his thoughts. "You're mad at me."

"No, I'm not," Preston countered honestly.

Xavier sighed. "The sunset's pretty."

Preston laid his chin on his knees. "Yeah, it is."

Silence fell over them again. Preston hated this silence. There was nothing comfortable about it. Finally, Xavier spoke. "Are you alright to travel again tomorrow or do you need rest?"

Preston grit his teeth. "I'm fine."

Xavier tensed beside him and Preston hoped it meant the man's control was going to snap. No such luck. "Just let me know when you need rest. Don't push yourself too far."

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now