Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Two days later, Xavier and Preston broke down their camp and went back to wandering. Xavier could have stayed in that quiet spot forever but he knew that Preston had left home to see the country and have adventure. Wandering around on horseback was part of that.

They'd been traveling for hours when Xavier looked out across the distance and saw some pronghorns in the distance. He pulled his horse to a stop, aware of Preston coming to a stop beside him.

"What is it?" Preston asked.

Xavier put his finger to his lips and pointed toward the grazing animals. Preston's eyes widened and Xavier could see the excitement that filled them. "Are those pronghorns?" he whispered. "I've never actually seen any except in books."

"I haven't seen them often. They usually spook before you get close."

Xavier reached in his saddlebags and pulled out his binoculars. "Here, get a closer look."

Xavier's attention wasn't on the animals in the distance. It was focused entirely on Preston. In the last few days he'd memorized everything about the man. He knew every inch of his body by heart. He could see and recognize Preston's expressions and know how the man was feeling. The nuances of his voice, the subtleties in his movements—Xavier knew them all.

Preston was the best damn thing to come into his life in a long time—hell, who was he kidding. He'd never had anything as good as Preston in his life. He was beginning to see Preston in a forever kind of light—he wondered if Preston might see him in that same light.

"Too bad they aren't closer," Xavier noted, shoving his thoughts aside. "We could have some fresh meat tonight if they were."

Preston shook his head. "I wouldn't want to kill one. But, Pete could hit one if he was here."

Xavier didn't have to ask for a reminder on who Pete was. Preston spoke about his family often. Xavier shook his head. "No one could hit one of those from here."

Preston handed Xavier back his binoculars. "Pete could. I swear it. You've never met anyone that can shoot a Sharps rifle the way he can. Maybe one day you'll meet my family and he can show you."

Xavier raised his brow and Preston swallowed hard. He stuttered several times, flushed bright red, and turned his gaze back to the pronghorns.

Taking a moment to put his binoculars away, Xavier could hardly suppress his smile. "Preston..."

"Should we get a move on?" Preston asked, not looking his way.

The battle with his smile got harder. Preston sure was cute when he was flustered. "Preston, are you inviting me to meet your family?"

Preston shook his head forcefully. "No, of course not." Then he cast a nervous glance at Xavier and licked his full bottom lip. "Unless you want to...."

"I reckon I wouldn't mind," Xavier replied after several moments.

The smile that lit up Preston's face had Xavier sitting up a bit straighter in the saddle. Damn, but it felt good to make that man happy. "Are you sure?"

Xavier nodded. "I don't agree to things I'm not sure about." Then he rubbed at his stubble covered jaw. "Of course, I am a bit worried."

"Worried about what?"

"Well, you've told me just how intimidating your family is. I'm wondering just how many bullets them parents of yours will put in me when they see me riding in with their son."

An Outlaw's Weakness*Fifth in Crane Gang series*Where stories live. Discover now