Twenty-First Chapter

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❝Conflict grows out of ignorance and suspicion.❞ 

- Gordon B. Hinckley

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

Taking a step back from reality and looking at your life from a third person's point of view was probably one of the most important aspects of maturity.

Unfortunately for me, I couldn't quite step far back enough to understand my issues. Consciously, I knew had been acting reckless - just like a dumb teenager would, but all that was a product of an unwanted lust for someone I could never have.

The relationship between Jake Phillips and I felt static. At first, it was great, the physical aspect of the relationship was amazing, but feelings were not coming over me at the rate I wanted them to. When I was with Jake, I considered him more as a friend with benefits than my actual boyfriend. It was conflicting and I didn't know what to do to fix it.

In the pit of my stomach, I knew that this relationship was just an absolute distraction from my crush on Blake Carter. Everything relayed to him and, truthfully, I was getting tired of it.

Things between Blake and I had been going at a steady pace, no longer did I act like an absolute fan girl in his presence. We were friends and both of us seemed content with it, I knew Jake was serving his purpose as my distraction, but I knew that my feelings would inevitably resurface and take control of my head again.

Sort of like they had been right now.

Blake was still my number one. I had begun imagining that I was with him when I was with Jake and I couldn't help but burst into tears at night. Maybe I shouldn't have listened to Evelyn's advice, maybe I should have just closed myself off and tried to move forward.

I decided to call Evelyn and ask for her guidance on this Thursday evening, I knew she would be awake. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and dialled her number, pressing the call button and waiting for the call to initiate.

A few rings later, Evelyn's voice flooded from the speakers. "Hey, Hunt, what's up? Why aren't you sleeping?"

"Evelyn, I just needed someone to talk to, sleeping pills aren't helping and I'm having a mental war with myself," I muttered in a dissatisfied tone, explaining the reasoning behind my sudden call.

"Sure, I'm here to listen, what's bothering you?" Her tone calm and caring - just what I needed.

"It's about Jake and Blake, and everything else. God, I am such a mess right now." I replied, rubbing my already red and irritated eyes.

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