Twenty-Fourth Chapter

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❝When someone makes you the happiest person and the saddest person at the same time, that's when it's real. That's when it's worth something.❞

- Anonymous

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

It was a cold Monday morning on December sixteenth - the day I was supposed to go on the ski trip to Scotland.

The temperature over the weekend dropped dramatically, it was barely two degrees Celcius and I could see my breath condensate as I exhaled. Of course, if I was a little younger and a little less mature, I would've taken advantage of the situation and pretended I was a dragon, but I resisted the temptation.

I walked into the parking lot of Lockwood High School, where I could see people already waiting around. It was merely seven in the morning and we were supposed to leave at quarter past seven, people needed to hurry up to make it.

The school had rented a coach for the journey, which by the way, would be an eight-hour ride to get to the resort from Manchester. I knew we'd be at the resort until Sunday morning, so I packed lightly to get through the week. Coach Jennings had instructed us to not worry about the equipment or expenses and told us to bring warm clothing and absolute necessities.

Speaking of which, I saw Coach Jennings pull into the parking lot and in his passenger seat, I saw none other than Blake Carter. The last person I wanted to see right now. I was trying my hardest to push him out of my head ever since we parted ways on Friday. The fact that he kissed me 'to get my attention' was still eating me alive and I hated that feeling.

Remember Friday as a whole was a chore. I felt so much better now that I had time to think over the weekend, I concluded that I was the one responsible for what had happened, but I was going to look past it and move forward again. I won't make the mistake of letting Bailey get off easily for the third time.

Blake stepped out of the car and immediately headed my way, I felt my muscles stiffen up without any intent. "Hey, you feelin' alright?" He muttered caringly. 

I nodded and shot him a small smile. My feelings were still a little tousled but I was managing, my knuckles, although sore, were finishing up healing, the skin still extremely raw after my little teenage angst moment. "Yeah, I'm okay," I responded in a low tone, lowering the scarf that covered my mouth.

"Can I see your knuckles? I was afraid they'd get infected because you refused to go back into the school and let me fix you." He shot me a glare and I smiled at the memory. I knew it was stupid to refuse help when it was a few steps away, but I wasn't going to go back in there after seeing Bailey taking advantage of my ex-boyfriend just fifteen minutes prior.

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