Twenty-Ninth Chapter

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❝Life is a blank canvas, and you need to throw all the paint on it you can.❞

- Danny Kaye

[ H U N T E R   W I L L I A M S ]

My emotions were getting the best of me when we were finally on the way to Blake's apartment. I felt weak, sick and lost all at once, my stomach was playing tricks on me, my head was ringing and I was seriously considering jumping out the car right now.

After Evelyn's minor intervention, I showered and put on some fresh clothes, I didn't want to smell like whiskey in front of Blake Carter, I still looked like shit, there were red patches on my skin and my eyes were still sort of red, but I persevered. Evelyn ended up getting us an Uber to go to Blake's place.

I know, that I was being my stubborn self, denying the importance of this situation and Evelyn's behaviour, but deep down, I felt grateful for having someone who set me on the right path.

I acted like an idiot, bottled up my feelings and threw them outside the window. I needed to change more fundamentally than I had previously thought, I needed to be more open with both myself and my friends and most importantly - I needed to face my demons, not pray that they go away.

I didn't know whether or not facing Blake Carter was going to have a positive effect on my life, but I sure I hoped so, I mean it was a step in the right direction regardless of the outcome. I hoped that he wasn't going to end whatever we had, I hoped that he'd look past my feelings, but I could never be sure.

And that is exactly why I felt so anxious right now, the uncertainty of the situation was killing me.

However, my anxiety wasn't left unnoticed. Evelyn grabbed my hand and squeezed it reassuringly, shooting me a smile, saying 'everything is going to be alright' without actually voicing it. I was truly happy to have her as my best friend, I wouldn't trade her support and her caring cruelty for anything else.

Whatever was going to happen today, we'd figure something out, I'm sure.

Soon, the journey came to an end, and we were standing in front of the apartment complex where Blake lived. As appreciated and needed as the reassurance was, the anxiety was winning this fight and I felt weaker with every step.

Suddenly, Evelyn stopped leading the way and turned to me. I was confused for a moment, but then she embraced me in a comforting hug. "Hunter, don't stress it too much, just go in there and listen to what he has to say, I just want you to have clarity and if things are the way you think they are, then we'll figure something out, trust me." She whispered into my ear and I nodded, returning the embrace.

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