❃Chapter Twenty Two❃

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A knock on Asake's door awoke her from her light sleep. The numbness she had felt the past couple of days was slowly disappearing, dissipating from her veins the longer she was away from that awful experience she had with Zhao. Slowly, normal feelings were filling up her heart and soul, but she didn't want to feel anything yet. She was afraid that when she finally got happy, everything would go up in flames again.

With a groan, she stood up from her bed. Today, she had actually gotten dressed in her regular clothes of dark pants and a black shirt; that was the most practical outfit to wear on the open seas as well as being part of Zuko's crew. That was the first time in a long time since she changed out of her pajamas. It felt strangely good to get back in the normal routine of her old life before. 

Asake shuffled to the door and tugged it open. A frown made its way onto her face when she saw Daza standing there. When he saw her, concern filled his familiar eyes. However, it wasn't only concern in his eyes; it was anger. Why was he angry, though? Instead of focusing on those thoughts, she wrapped her arms around her stomach and asked, "Why are you here, Daza?"

He cleared his throat. There was a little color painting his cheeks as he opened his mouth. Before he could say anything, though, he closed his mouth again. He did that a few more times, like he couldn't figure out what to say.

"If you're only going to stand there looking like a fish out of water, leave," she said. Asake began to shut the door, but he stopped her by placing his hand on the door. She sighed. "Just talk to me, Daza. I'm still me."

"I was told to come and get you. Prince Zuko wants to speak with you." Daza fidgeted with his hands as he continued to stare at her. Most of the crew acted like she was some sort of dangerous creature when they saw her -- if they ever saw her, that was. When she left her room, the rest of the crew cleared out of her way, so she rarely ever saw them. "I also wanted to make sure you are okay."

"I'm fine," Asake said, going against what her heart was saying. She forced a smile onto her face, hoping her eyes wouldn't betray her right now. "Really, Daza, I'm okay."

"Okay," he said, nodding. He didn't look like he believed her, though. She didn't believe herself, either. "Now, let's go to Prince Zuko."

"Do you know why Zuko wants me?"

"All he said was he wanted to talk to you."

Asake rolled her eyes as they stepped out into the hallway. Firelight flickered on the walls from the torches in the sconces, dancing across her vision. "Why does he always send you to retrieve me? Why can't he get me himself?"

"I actually have no clue," Daza said, letting out a short laugh. It sounded so good to her. She missed hearing people laugh. It reminded her that a small part of her life was actually great. 

As they walked in silence to Zuko's room, she started thinking about him. There was one thing that had been on her mind since she talked with Zuko a couple nights ago. He had told her that he wanted to drop every lead -- everything -- they had for the Avatar and go after her. She wasn't sure why he would do that, though. Before she was taken, they had a huge fight, so there was no way that he would have gone after her, right? But maybe he really did care about Asake. He seemed so passionate that night, and the only reason could have been was that he did care about her. That lit up something in her heart; she knew exactly what it was, too.

"I'll see you later, Daza," Asake said, stopping in front of Zuko's room. She turned to face Daza with a small smile on her face. "And thanks for your concern."

Daza smiled at her and pulled her into a hug. This was the first hug she had ever had from him. The thought of him caring about her nearly made her sob into his chest. "If you ever need anything, I'm here for you," he whispered. 

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