❃Chapter Twenty Three❃

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Asake was back in Zuko's room, standing in front of him. Her arms were wrapped around his neck, and she was staring into those beautiful eyes of his. His scar slightly distracted her from her racing heart, so she brought her hand up to gently caress it. "I'm sorry for that," she whispered to him. "I should have protected you more."

Zuko shook his head but didn't say anything to her. He pulled her tighter to his body, making Asake's heart rate soar even more. Did he know what he was doing to her? Asake busied herself by gently rubbing her thumb over the scarred area. She whispered to him, "I thought you hated me."

"I could never hate you."

Zuko pressed his lips to hers. She immediately kissed him back while everything else faded into the background. Everything about this kiss was passionate, with Zuko's hands on her lower back, sending shockwaves through her body, to barely any space between their bodies. There was a part of her that wanted to stay like that forever. However, another part willed her to pull away from him. Asake took deep breaths and rested her head on his chest, hearing his heart beat steadily against his rib cage. "Zuko . . ."

Zuko brought one of his hands up and tangled his fingers in her hair. "Wake up, Asake."

Asake squeezed her eyes shut and said, "I'm so confused, Zuko."

"If you wake up, everything will be explained."

A loud buzzing noise erupted in Asake's ears. She drew back from Zuko, immediately covering her ears with her hands. She squeezed her eyes shut, doubling over in pain. There was some sort of pressure in her head that was growing and growing and growing. The buzzing noise in her ears was getting louder, and she cried out in pain. 

Suddenly, everything went away, and Asake went weightless. She opened her eyes to see that everything around her was white. She spun around and saw a figure further away from her. Their back was to her, so she couldn't tell who it was. Their hair was cut short and was immensely dark. The figure was wearing a red robe. She knew something was wrong with him. His movements were jerky, and he could barely move his right arm without wincing. 

A deep sadness ran through her veins as she watched him. She didn't know why, but she knew he didn't want her. He wanted someone else. And that devastated her more than anything else in the entire world.

"Asake," the soft and gentle voice said. "You have to wake up now. Please."

Asake opened her eyes suddenly. The dreams she had slowly slipped out of her mind as she took a deep breath. Her whole body ached as she sat up. Sweat rolled off of her in waves. Was it because her heart hammered in her chest? Or was it because of the boy pressed into her side? Zuko looked relieved that she was finally awake.

"Where are we?" she whispered. She didn't know why she was being quiet; all she knew was that something wasn't right. Something about the situation they were in made the hair on her arms stand up. 

"We're on Zhao's ship," he whispered back. He definitely didn't look happy about it.

"What?" Her heart nearly stopped beating. Why were they on that monster's ship? Weren't they supposed to be on Zuko's ship? The only thing she could remember was kissing him. What happened after that?

The soft light that entered the room from the tiny window on the wall highlighted the cuts on his face. Something had happened to him. And her, too. She could feel it in her bones, the deep ache. Zuko knew something that she didn't. 

"We're close to the Northern Water Tribe," he said softly. "We're going to get the Avatar."

"With Zhao?"

"He doesn't know we're here," he explained.

"What happened?"

"Our ship exploded."

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