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Skylar's POV

I'd seen her before.

I knew that because I was freaking out right now and there must be a reason for me to freak out just as I'd caught a glimpse of my creepy hooded stalker. I had seen her before. Where, was what didn't quite click in the first few panicky hours.

All this time I'd expected it to be a guy. I'd expected it to be Blake, for fuck's sake. I'd even come to think of it as Kyle. But it was a girl. With long dark hair and a slender face and a small button nose and a frown. I don't know. Perhaps my brain was making up the rest of her face when I'd just seen it for a second or two maybe. And then she'd run away.

Must be a real psycho, I thought amidst my fear and panic, threatening my cat out of every possible option.

I felt like I was being watched the whole way back to my apartment. When I was safely on the other side of my locked apartment front door, I didn't wait a single second before fetching my phone.

"I have to see you." I slumped on the floor with my back against the tiny kitchen counter. "I need to see you."

Caden sounded like I'd woken him up mid-sleep, which was absurd because it was near evening right now. Even I didn't have that messed up of a sleeping schedule.

"Sky?" He spoke up, confused. "What...Are you all right?"

"I'm freaking out a bit." My voice sounded funny. "Where are you? Can I...can I see you? Adrian said--"

"Um." He still sounded sleep ridden.

I grimaced, then said in a rather small voice. "Are you all right, Caden?"

"Yeah." He answered almost immediately this time. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"You sound exhausted."

"Yeah, well, you did wake me up from a nap, Sky."

I frowned and there was this heavy gutting feeling in the pit of my stomach. The feeling you get when something's really wrong but you just don't know what.

"Okay." I forced myself to stop freaking out for a second there. It worked, I think. "You know what, it's fine. You don't have to...I think you should sleep. And we'll, we'll talk when things are a bit settled, yes?"

Caden was quiet on the other end. I thought he'd already fallen back asleep.

"I'm fine." He sighed and he sounded a bit irritated now. Maybe I was just imagining it.

"I didn't say you weren't." I pulled up my knees, pulling on a loose thread from my white shorts.

"Well then why did you say when things are a bit settled?" I wasn't. Imagining it, I mean. He sounded a tiny bit mad. "Aren't they already? I'm fine."

I winced. "That's not what I--"

"Just...I'll meet you somewhere, all right?" He cut me off. "Tell me where, Anderson."

I nodded even if he couldn't see me. In the next few minutes, we agreed to meet at the small walking track just outside the woods that surrounded most of the town here. I didn't ask him how he was here when Adrian had just told me that he wasn't. I didn't ask him anything more because I had a feeling he'd snap at me. I didn't want him to snap at me. Maybe I can ask him the rest once I see him with my own eyes.

"I'll be there." He said before hanging up.

I'll be there too, I thought in the silence.


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