Thirty Three

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Skylar's POV

I probably should've felt more scared right then--at the words that just left Felix's lips, especially when he had a gun in his hand and an almost manic look in his eyes that said he will kill me without any second thoughts.

I should've been frightened. But I wasn't.

Because it also happened to be the exact same moment Caden finally managed to yank off the ropes around his wrists. And since they were the only ropes on him, it didn't take him another second to practically pounce on Felix, dragging him away from me before taking a swing at his face.

Felix let out a surprised grunt and stumbled. The gun fell from his hand when Caden grabbed him by the coat and punched him again. There was a crack, a sickening crack, and my eyes widened. It felt like Felix was still gripping my throat, but a bit lower now. Invisible hands almost choking every bit of air from within me. It hurt to breathe and I wondered if maybe I'd received a blow to the ribs that I couldn't quite remember.

He wasn't going to stop, I realized, even when Felix wasn't given a single second to fight back and was practically thrown on the ground, blood marring his face and his neck. Caden looked murderous, jaw locked, and another fist slamming into Felix's jaw. "You don't threaten her." He growled out, yanking him up with a deathly grip on his throat before slamming his head into one of the empty concrete pillars. "You don't, you fucker. You don't touch her either."

Blake was suddenly in front of me and my breath hitched. "How did you..." I swallowed, frowning. "...your hands were tied?"

He didn't give an explanation, just muttered something under his breath and went behind me, quickly untying me. "We don't have much time before Felix's men hear the commotion in here, Sky. Try not to ask me stupid questions and take this." He got the ropes off of me and pressed something in my hand--the one that wasn't pounding in pain. "Seth gave this to me. This was supposed to be our signal for backup and I already tried operating it earlier, but I don't think it worked. So you've got to do it again, all right? I'll handle Felix's men in the meantime."

I nodded, breathing heavily as I leaned against the pillar behind me. "What...How does it work?"

"The blue button." Blake had already moved towards Rena by then. "Press on it until you feel it buzz. That should do."

I looked over at Blake, watched him starting to untie Rena's ropes and murmuring something all the while. He was murmuring something to her. And Rena was still crying, shaking her head apologetically as small hiccups left her lips.

I sniffled softly and looked over at the darkness that was the only way out from here. Felix's men hadn't arrived yet, but they would soon. And Alex? I thought.

"I'll find...him." My voice broke as I whispered to myself, directing my gaze back at the device in my hand. "I'll find him."

I had a moment where I thought my knees would give in and I'd fall. But--breathe, I told myself. Caden always told me to breathe when everything started to feel too much, didn't he?

So I did just that.

"Hey, hey, it's okay. You're okay." I could hear Blake. "You do remember me, don't you, Reny?"

"Y-Yes. Yes. Blake."

"You do remember me." Blake huffed out a small laugh. "I'd have been rather wounded if you forgot your most favorite person on this godforsaken planet already."

The blue button, I reminded myself and tried to still my trembling fingers as I pressed it.

A loud thud resounded in the distance and I looked up to see the wooden crate now smashed to pieces as Felix shoved Caden on it. Alarmed, my eyes widened as I fumbled with the device in my hand. But that's only as far as Caden let him take the upper hand before picking up a long, broken wooden piece and ramming it on the side of Felix's head. "You bloody bastard."

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