He takes care of you while you're on your period

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Word count: 723

Harry is overwhelmed.

He's standing in the feminine care aisle, trying to decide what tampons to buy Y/N but there's just so many, he doesn't know which to choose.
"Mini, normal, super... why are there so many?" He huffs, juggling the basket in his hand full of goodies to take back to her at their apartment. He settles on the super, comparing it to his dick and how he's 10 times bigger than the tampon displayed on the box and if she can take him, she can take the tampon (no matter how flawed his reasoning is). He pays, but not without a smirk from the cashier, wishing him luck and a good night.
Harry stumbles through his front door, almost dropping all the bags he's holding - or trying to - and Y/N sulks over to him wearing a blanket as a cape, only her legs peaking through.
"You got the stuff?"
"You got the cash?" Harry jokes, making Y/N giggle and grab one of the bags from him. "I got you the super ones... I hope that's okay."
"Thank you!" She stands up on her tip-toes, planting a kiss on his cheek. "That's perfect. My flow is extra heavy this month. S'so annoying. I already bled through two of my panties." She frowns, making Harry kiss her forehead and she perks up, especially when she looks inside the bags placed on the table and sees all the snacks Harry got her. "Oreos! Thank you, bunny! I've been craving them for so long."
"I know, you've only been talking about them every day for the past week", he teases, sticking his tongue out at her.
"Hey! My period cravings always come early." She puffs out her lips, wanting a kiss and Harry obliges. "And you got me chips! Harry, you're like an angel."
Harry chuckles at how much food can prep up her mood, loving how her eyes have a sort of gleam to them as she opens up a bag of Doritos. "Did you wanna order something for dinner? Or did you want me to cook?"
"I'm good." She talks around a mouthful of chips while holding the assorted snacks in her arms. "I'm gonna eat all this tonight." She toddles off to the living room, Harry hot on her tail.
"Oh, no you're not. These are snacks, babe, not meals."
"But I want all this now", she pinches her eyebrows together, looking at him with big eyes and a quivering bottom lip.
"You can have the chips", he grabs the rest of the fatty snacks from her, "but I'm still making dinner and you're gonna eat it."
She sighs dramatically before turning on her heels. "Fine, daddy."
"Don't go calling me that right now unless you want me to bend you over the couch." He places the snacks on the kitchen table before going to the fridge, pulling out the ingredients for dinner.
"Ew! Harry, you can't do that!"
"And why not?" He shouts back. "You know I'm not opposed to period sex."
"It's yucky!" She meets him back in the kitchen, the blanket no longer around her shoulders. "Period blood has all this bacteria in it. It's gross."
"I would put a condom on. It's no big deal, babe." He breathlessly laughs, oiling up the pan and placing salmon in it.
She bites her bottom lip as if she's thinking, looking a bit nervous. "Well... I don't know."
"Aren't you extra horny when you're on your period?" He wiggles his eyebrow at her. "Why not let me help you? You shouldn't have to put your sexual needs on hold just because you're bleeding out of your-"
"Okay! I get it!" She cups his mouth with her hands, making him bite her palm. "I'll think about it."
"Yeah?" She nods. "Okay, puppy, go wait in the living room for me. Dinner should be ready in like 30ish minutes, and I put that heating pad out on the couch for you before I went to the store."
"Okay." She kisses his cheek before leaving, sneaking the container of Oreos with her but not sneakily enough.
"Put those back!" Her shoulders slump forward, placing them back on the table before grabbing two cookies and sprinting off while giggling. Harry shakes his head with a chuckle, "that little gremlin."

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