Harry's clothes

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Harry calls you out from afar by your term of endearment for each other, taking you out of your work of decluttering and organizing your shared office since it was decided that this would be the day for general cleaning.
You could practically hear him jogging over, you being the one to tell him to be careful since you didn't want a repeat of him slipping from running with his socks on against the wooden floors, a huff being heard as he didn't want to recount that memory.
"It was one time."
"Okay, Harry," you chuckled, rolling your eyes as you went through some papers in your desk to look whether they should be thrown out or not, knowing that teasing him about certain things makes your day, your boyfriend emerging seconds later with his eyebrows knotted and lips pouted.
"You're lucky I love you."
You turned around to cross your arms across your chest, heat rising upon your cheeks as it was his turn to smile now, finding him leaning against the door frame holding one of the canvas bags he had.
"What's that?"
Harry's mind blanked for a moment as he just now remembered what he was here for, letting out a small 'oh' as he reached his hand out for you to take it, a bit sweaty knowing his task was to clean out the closet.
"S'for you."
You raised your eyebrows in puzzlement that earned a laugh from him, taking the bag slowly from him as you looked inside.
"Figured you'd want it."
Your mouth was slightly agape as you rummaged your hand through the contents slowly, pulling out each one that made your smile wider every time.
Harry put together this bag of the shirts he either didn't want, needed or were sometimes looked at longingly by you, compiling them all in this bag as he looked at you adoringly.
"For me?"
You asked for confirmation, a bit guilty that most of the shirts were expensive as you know they were even if they were worn by him first, yet in the same time happy with this little gift.
Harry nodded eagerly, grinning as his dimples popped in display, this moment being one of those that brings him back down to earth and in realization that he was indeed blessed to have you who finds joy in these little things.
"Figured those would suit my world best."

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