Making cupcakes

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Word Count: 656

It was a rainy Saturday and both you and your boyfriend Harry were too lazy to go out to the store to buy food, so you decided to order in some pizza and bake cupcakes.
You turned on the radio and began swaying your hips along to the beat of Bruno Mars' song Treasure as Harry ordered the food. You stood on your tippy toes to try to reach for the ingredients, but your short height had failed you yet again. Soon you felt two strong hands slip onto your waist and hoist you up. You grabbed the flour and baking soda from the cabinet and when you were brought back down to the ground you said, "Thanks kind giant." To Harry. He smirked and went over to the fridge to grab the milk and as opened the bag of flour. Harry opened the gallon of milk and took a swig from it before placing it on the counter, smirking. You rolled your eyes jokingly as you made your way to the fridge to grab the eggs he had forgotten.
As soon as you turned around Harry's hand had smacked your ass and left a huge flour print. You placed the eggs on the counter and grabbed some flour as well and smacked his ass as well. "Whoops." He began chuckling before he said, "This means war." You immediately grabbed the bag of flour and began chucking it at him. You began to run as fast as you could into the living room, but your short legs were no match for Harry. He caught up to you and wrapped his arms around your torso and pushed you up against the wall. "Do you surrender?" He said into your ear.
The mood soon went from playful to quite sexual and you both felt the tension which was rising in between you both. You looked him dead in the eyes and said, "No." He grinned as his dimples became defined. He slid his hand down onto your ass and squeezed it lightly. "I was afraid that's what you'd say." He said as he lowered his head down so his lips met your neck. He trailed soft kisses up and down it until his lips met yours. He kissed them lightly and pulled back just to tease you. His forehead rested against yours momentarily before you wrapped your arms around his neck and began kissing his jawline. He moved his hand from your ass to the rim of your sweatpants which he used to pull you towards the couch. He pushed you down gently as he slid off his shirt, chucking it to the side and he climbed ontop of you.
His lips met yours once again and his hands began tugging at the rim of your sweatpants yet again. He soon began to slide them down until the tossed them to the side along with his shirt. You broke the kiss to pull off your top, which left you in only your bra and lacy underwear.
Things would've got much more intense if the doorbell had not rung. "Fuck." He grumbled against your lips as he pulled away. You got up and made your way to the counter and grabbed your wallet pulling out your money. You headed to the door and opened it, still only in your bra and lacy underwear.
The mans eyes widened as you grabbed the food and handed him the money. He smirked a bit before saying, "No babe, I'll take care of it." You smiled and said politely, "Thank you." He smirked yet again and said, "Anytime. You should order pizza more often babe." Harry pushed the door open wider and said to the man, "Thanks for the pizza mate, but back off." The guy walked away and mumbled to himself as the two of you began to eat your pizza and later had some dessert.

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