Chapter 5: "Calling All Skeletons"

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(Chapter 5)
"Calling All Skeletons"

Monday, January 4th

"A narcissist is unable to handle criticism or perceived 'attacks' on his self-worth. They often become angry because of these perceived attacks and typically lash out in revenge. The narcissist's ego is out of proportion and so are their reactions. Real or perceived disrespect or rejection brings an immediate hostile reaction known as 'Narcissistic Rage'. The urge for vengeance runs deeply through the narcissist's blood.
The relationship between narcissism and revenge also varies in the methods used for vengeance. Some may devalue the offender, some may socially undermine them, yet others may fly into a narcissistic rage and attempt to cause physical harm.
Beneath the narcissist's aura of charm, friendliness and expert social graces, they have a dark side apparent to those who live with them.
Narcissists have very rigid personality structures that do not change.
They are masters of finding weak spots and vulnerabilities of their 'opponents' and know exactly where and how to turn the screws."

Titania nearly stopped breathing.

Holy shit.

"Hey. You okay?" Isabelle found Titania at the campus bar later that evening.

"I... I know now," she didn't look up.

"Know what?"

"His motive. I know his motive."


"Based on the notes I had gotten, and his behaviour... it's revenge. The guys after me for revenge."

"Revenge? Why? What did you do?"

"I don't know. But, I'm in more danger than I had thought."


"I'm serious this time. I need to go. I need more time."


"He could be right in front of me, and I wouldn't even know."

"He's not here!"

"He is!"

"Okay, fine. Let's say he is. Why hasn't he done anything yet?"

"That's what scares me! He's plotting something!"

Isabelle followed Titania into her apartment.

"Can we just talk about this?"

"You need to leave! Now!"

"I'm not leaving you alone!"

"He's seen you with me, he knows who you are!"

"I'm not leaving. If you're running, I'm going with you."

Titania paused.
She clenched her jaw.

"No... I'm done running."

"Are you looking at those photos again?" Darren asked Jillian in their home back in Boston.

"I miss her. It was so thoughtful of her to send them," Jillian scrolled through the photos on her phone.

"I miss her, too."



"That... that guy in this photo. Way in the background."

"What about him?" Darren looked over at her phone.

"Doesn't he... doesn't he look familiar?"

"Huh. Yeah, I think so."

"Who... wait, no, who is that? I know I know him."

"You do?"

"Oh, my god. OH, MY GOD. I KNOW WHO THAT IS!"


"LOOK!" Jillian showed him a close up of the photo.

"Holy shit!"

"He's there with her!"

"Oh, my god. She needs to get out of there, now!"

"I'll try calling her."

"She's in danger, now! She doesn't know who he is!"

"She's in Maine! What else do you expect me to do? We could never drive or fly up there in time!"

"Alright, call her now," Darren groaned.

"I hope she's not getting herself in trouble."

"Maybe we'll reach her in time."

"I hope."


• "The Narcissist and Revenge" by Alexander Burgemeester.



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