Chapter 6: "In Vein"

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(Chapter 6)
"In Vein"

Monday, January 4th

"What do you mean you're done running?" Isabelle asked.

"I'm done. I'm sick of this. I'm done living in fear. I'm done running from this guy," Titania said firmly.

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get his attention and go confront him."

"You're kidding. You just said this guy is incredibly dangerous."

"I don't care! I'm sick of this! I'm done letting him ruin my life."

"You're being crazy now."

Titania's phone started ringing.

"What is it?" Isabelle asked her.

"It's just my mom. I'll call her back later."

"How are you going to get his attention?"

"Like this."

Titania opened the door and went out into the hallway.

"You son of a bitch! I know you're here!" She screamed down the hall.

"Titania, stop!" Isabelle begged.

"Stop being a fucking coward and face me, already!"


Titania's phone buzzed.



"He's in the basement."

"Why would he be in the basement?"

"I don't know, but I got a text from an unknown number telling me to go down to the basement."

"Are you fucking crazy?"

"Just stay here."

"You're out of your mind if you think I'm just going to stay here."

"I'll be back."


When Titania got further down the hall, her phone started ringing again.

God, mom. Not now

Titania finally reached the basement.

Where is he?



"I hear you down here!"



Titania's phone buzzed.


Mom: Answer the fucking phone!
I know who the stalker is!
You're in danger!


Titania gasped.


Titania's phone buzzed again.

Mom: Titania??
Titania: Who is it?!


Titania's heartbeat sped up.



Titania's phone buzzed.

It's Sawyer!


Ray stepped out of the shadows to face her.
"Hello, Titania."

Titania let out a gasp.

"I'm glad you're here," He said.

Ray looked different. He wore a sleeveless tank top exposing an arm tattoo. His dyed dark hair was askew.
He previously used foundation to cover up a prominent injury on his forehead.


Sawyer glared at her, silent.

"It's been you this whole time! You were the one stalking me! You followed me here!"

No answer.

"This whole thing was about revenge?"

No answer.

"Say something!"

"You look just like your mother did when she was your age," he bit his lip.

The dark rage in his eyes turned to lust.

"I..." Titania couldn't speak.

Sawyer stepped closer to her and Titania slowly backed away until she was up against the wall.
When Titania tried to slip away, Sawyer slammed her back against the wall and gripped her hips with his hands.
Titania was frozen in fear.
Sawyer slid his hand up her thigh.


"What the fuck?" He jumped as the basement doors flung open.

"FREEZE!" The officer pointed a gun in his direction.


"Titania!" Isabelle was right behind the cops.

Sawyer tried to get away, but the officers easily caught him.
Isabelle wrapped her arms around Titania.

Titania started crying into her shoulder.

"It's okay," she told her. "It's over."


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