Chapter Ten: Jaydon

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My father's face hit his hands, and with a small sob, he started blubbering. For a second, I had no idea what was going on. Was he actually telling someone what he had done?

Then I realized what he was doing.

"I... I didn't mean for it to that far! I was only trying to be a good dad!" He sobbed. I looked down at my hands so that the doctor couldn't see the amusement in my eyes. It was amusing to me to see my father in such a distraught state.

"What happened?" The doctor asked, clicking her pen. She was ready to take some notes on whatever dad had to say. Doctor Bailey, her name tag read. My eyes flickered up to her calm face and then back down to my hands.

What would happen if I stood up and spilled everything out right here and now?

"My ex-girlfriend. My wife had just died and then... I didn't know Callie could be so cruel. I was working overtime to pay off funeral bills. That led to the girls being home together a lot. I always thought they were pretty close. Callie was even helping Ariel grieve her mother in a healthy fashion. Or so I thought. I came home for a surprise lunch one day and saw Callie beating the crap out of Ariel. I stepped in and Callie ran off. I have no clue where she is now." Dad lied.

When did he come up with that?

Doctor Bailey still didn't seem to believe us. X-rays can tell how old wounds are, dad. You idiot. She wrote something down on the paper, before turning to the x-rays.

"Her ankle needs to be casted for a few weeks, but other than that she'll be perfectly fine. But there were some older breaks in there. Looked like childhood trauma." Doctor Bailey said, pointing to some random line in one my... Was that my leg?

There were a lot of those random, white lines.

She was staring at my father with an expectant look on her face, like we were supposed to explain to her how I had several different breaks and fractures in one leg. Wait till she got to my fingers and hands.

When I dropped something or did something wrong, dad always took pleasure in breaking my fingers first. Last time I went to the doctors, they told me that there had been irreversible damage done to my hands from how many breaks they had.

Lets just say I stopped being able to write pretty after that.

"I thought you told me the bullies stopped pushing you around?" Dad turned towards me with an expectant look. He expected me to play along. Doctor Bailey was also staring at me. The color splashed across my cheeks in one big move.

"I... I didn't want to tell you. We were moving soon anyways, so I figured it wouldn't be that big of a deal." I lied. I didn't know why I lied. I could've outed him right then and there. But no, I was so used to lying that they just came out of my mouth rapid fire.

I'd even gotten used to the taste of them.

"We just moved here a couple of weeks ago. Her step-brothers should be able to protect her from those jerks now." Dad threw a comforting arm around my shoulders. Doctor Bailey pursed her lips, but finding nothing suspicious about our on-the-spot story, she nodded and continued to tell me that I needed to stay off my leg for a couple days and not to do anything strenuous. She gave me a doctors excuse for gym, and then for the couple days I would miss off of school.

When she left the room, there was a flood of people coming into the room. They wanted to know what the doctor had asked for privacy about. Dad told them the same lie he had told Doctor Bailey.

Everyone was bristling with rage when dad got finished. Lila even offered to hire a personal investigator. I jumped in and said I wanted that part of my past to stay in the past. Then she hugged me.

"Can we go back now?" I asked, laughing a little bit at how awkward the boys looked. They didn't want to hug me, I understood.

Lila laughed and leaned into my father's side, making my grin disappear for a split second. Then it was back on my face, just a lot more fake than before. I didn't think anyone noticed.

Turns out, Carter and the other new friends had to leave due to curfew, but they told the boys to tell me goodnight and they would see me at school.

I doubt that. No one saw me.

Carter also said, again, that he was super sorry for crashing into me and causing me to break my ankle. I just chuckled a little at Lucas's rolling eyes when he gave that message. The boys were smiling slightly and were guiding me back to the car.

When we got home, everyone just kinda went off and did their own thing. Dad followed me up the stairs, with the claim that he wanted to make sure I could get up and down on my own. I knew he was really, really mad about what happened at the hospital.

When we got into my room, he shut the door and leaned against it. He started running his hands through his hair before he actually said anything. I was starting to get worried. More than normal, I mean.

"You couldn't do one damn thing right, could you?" He growled, keeping tabs on how loud he got. Lila hadn't made the rooms soundproof, thank goodness.

I gulped. The fear was rushing through my veins. I could feel my heart thudding. I could feel the weight of the cast on my foot. And then I felt nothing.

All I could hear were the methodical sounds of his good foot landing squarely in my gut. I didn't even think about screaming. There was no use. I had learned a long time ago that screaming got you nothing.

Blood was just starting to seep from my lips when I lifted my eyes. Then I saw something that had me scrambling to stand up.

Bright, terrified, horrified, emerald green eyes.


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